View Full Version : our "president" is misleading

06-06-2009, 11:37 AM
i watched in disblief as mr obama said that the problem in mexico is due to 90% of the guns coming from gun shops along the border. and then showed an array of military grade weapony...grenade lauchers, M4's, M-204's M16's...where may i purchase, legally, grenade launchers and hand grenades? along with AK's and RPG's...

either this man is being delibertly mislead or is unbelievbly niave...or both.

i also read an article that stated that the problem is corrupt mexican military selling weapons to the cartels...geeeeeeee...who'd thought that? especially since the evil U.S. citizen have a right to own firearms...

i find the whole scenerio disgusting, sickening and dripping with deceit on the part of the current occupant of the white house. :mad::mad::mad:

06-06-2009, 02:31 PM
Add to that the fact that he's going all over the world apologizing for America. Talk about a great vote of confidence:mad: I'm bouncing all over the world trying to protect American's and he's apologizing for what I'm doing. Makes me sick

06-06-2009, 05:03 PM
He also admitted to being raised Muslim in Muslim nations, and being fluent in arabic. Then proceeded to tell the muslims that the USA is the largest muslim nation in the world. And now he has taken over control of GM and sold hummer to red china. weeeeeee. communisim at its finest. . . . oh wait i mean socialism. . . . .


Dan Morris
06-06-2009, 09:22 PM
Where I grew up, misleading is one thing....bald faced lying is another!
This is gonna be a very interesting 3 1/2 more years!