View Full Version : New Potatos and Purple Hull Peas

06-13-2009, 08:04 PM
Momma made up New Potatos in milk gravy the other day, and as I type this I am cooking the second BIG pot of purple hull peas in the last week.

Man o man the eatin is gonna be good again tonight.


08-02-2009, 08:19 PM
Don't forget the hot water corn bread with ribbon cane syrup and buttermilk pie.

08-02-2009, 10:44 PM
For us Southern types..the word is TATERS..an I just like them new taters boiled up then eat 'em with salt pepper and butter or margarine.. Mmmmmm. We had our first 10 days ago..string beans is a comin and we picked a couple of maters and momma has been eatin squarsh(southern for squash) and the broccoli is almost ready to start cutting. Corn is earing up but it don't look so hot. Likes warmer weather than we been havin. 40's to 50's at night just don't cut it for corn...but it sure is good for sleepin.:D

08-03-2009, 08:11 AM
we been picklin' crooknecks at the house lately. Got a load of cucumbers to pickle too, but half of em is bitter enough to split yer toenails.


08-03-2009, 08:37 AM
we been picklin' crooknecks at the house lately. Got a load of cucumbers to pickle too, but half of em is bitter enough to split yer toenails.


Put a little epsom salts round the plants.sposed to make 'em sweeter Did you get my email bout the computer stuff??