View Full Version : .204 Bullets Sierra vs. Hornady

06-18-2009, 10:08 AM
Some of you may have read my post on Sierra bullets being to thin skinned for coyote, and they still are. I got another .204, this one a Savage, and it shoots the Hornady bullets very well. I have not shot a coyote with them yet but shot several groundhogs with them this week. If you don`t hit bone the Hornadys will not open and just go straight through. All bullets got total pematration on groundhog and I`m thinking they may be a good coyote bullet.

06-18-2009, 06:53 PM
While getting ready for a gun show I found a few bags of 204 Brass in my stuff. I might just have to try a 204 sometime soon. Don't know why but I probably will. Probably gonna try to find a Savage. BTW I tried the 19 Calhoon out and it shot great ... but I decided to sell it because I have other rifles that shoot as well and for some odd reason I just like the ol 22 Hornet. I think I am gonna cut the Hornet chamber to K hornet though. The rifle I like to shoot the best though is a Remington 700 Classic in 221 Fireball. Shoots great.

Rocky Raab
06-19-2009, 08:28 AM
The earlier Sierras were so fragile they'd come apart in flight - when pushed fast enough in the 5-35 SMc round. The 204 can barely get them fast enough, but they were on the ragged edge. I understand the current Sierras are a smidge tougher. The Hornady has always held together for me even up to 4300 fps. I have samples but haven't shot the Nosler or the Barnes flyweight Varmint Grenade. Too many other projects.