View Full Version : Primer shortage

06-23-2009, 12:38 AM
I have been watching Cabelas, and it seems like the length of their back order is decreasing for primers across the board, maybe the end of the supply crunch is in site? Most of the primers are on backorder of less than 3 weeks. A lot of them seem to be 0-1 week!

Where I live there are very few retail stores that carry reloading supplies, so its usually mail order for me. Any one else see this supply crunch coming to an end?

06-23-2009, 08:33 AM
Most of the retail stores in the NE are out. They are limiting the quanity you can purchase to 100 when they got em.

I went to one of the local shops last week to buy some 9mm. The jerk told me I had to buy a gun before he could sell me ammo. I'll cross that one off the list.

06-23-2009, 10:58 AM
In my area (central Virginia) the shortage is not limited to just primers, though I went to my favorite gunshop today and they were out of CCI small pistol primers. About a month ago I found a shop that had CCI small rifle primers but had to end up buying a 1000. They wouldn't sell a lesser quantity. That's strange though, because most of the other shops in the area, if they the stuff, are limiting the quantities. Based on my observation, it appears that most all the shops are now starting to get components in - the same with loaded ammo. I just wish folks would stop the panic and buying up huge supplies of everything. It makes it kind of rough on the rest of us.

Adam Helmer
06-23-2009, 03:13 PM
My local gun shop has had lots of powder, bullets and primers, except for a week when they had no small rifle primers, but now you can load your truck if you had the cash. I think the panic is subsiding because some hoarders are now faced with lots of stuff on hand that they probably will not use in this lifetime.


Gil Martin
06-23-2009, 05:02 PM
Let us know when you local shop gets in IMR4350 and Winchester primers. The shops I visit get in small lots of powder and primers. They have a 500 primer limit in total for all sizes except shotgun (they have lots of shotgun components). Bullets are available and prices are inching upwards. All the best...