View Full Version : I finally found an accuracy load for my M1853 Enfield.

Adam Helmer
07-02-2009, 11:47 AM
I have a repro British M1853 .577 caliber rifle that I have carried for the last 10 years in parades and fired at reenactment "battles." I casted 505 grain Minies and did not find an accuracy load with 70 or 80 grains of 2F Goex in the past. This morning I found 60 grains of 2F Goex was near point of aim at 100 yards and 50 grains of RS Pyrodex was best. The groups were on point of aim with the battle sight and windage was zero-dead center.

I may use this gun in the PA October muzzleloader deer season. On the barrel it says "3 Drams Maximum" which is about 80+ grains. I just read an article that said the "GI" charge in the Civil War was 60 grains and the Minie. Thus, I went to the bench today in the backyard and found they had it right in the Civil War.


07-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Good deal...and with that 505grn conical, you don't have to be picky about your aim-point on a deer...if should go through from most any direction, with or without bones in the way