View Full Version : Remington Now Owns H&R1871/NEF

07-09-2009, 10:49 AM
I wrote to H&R 1871 a while back with some questions about the accessory barrels for their NEF Handi-Rifles. I later noticed that I had a voice message on my phone from Remington Arms. After several days of playing telephone tag, I finally reached the caller. To make a long story short, he told me that Remington had recently bought Marlin and its assets which included H&R 1871. When you call H&R 1871's new phone number (now located in Madison, NC), depending on who you need to speak with, your call may be transferred to Remington's customer support center in New York. You guys may have known this but it was certainly news to me. :confused:

07-09-2009, 03:40 PM
News to me as well. I don't think it was all that long ago that Marlin acquired NEF/H&R.

Remington also took over Baikal, hence their Spartan line of O/Us, one of which I purchased a few years back.

07-09-2009, 05:33 PM
Remington is owned by
Which owns or has a controlling interest in a rather large chunk of the Western world if not more.

Ol` Joe
07-09-2009, 09:09 PM
Remington is owned by
Which owns or has a controlling interest in a rather large chunk of the Western world if not more.

Yep the same people that presently owns Chrysler and controling intrest in GMAC...

07-10-2009, 08:55 AM
Rem. now owns Dakota Arms, Bushmaster, DPM, Marlin. New England Arms. Don't know if this is good or bad, time will tell.

07-10-2009, 10:33 AM
Firearms - Acquired Bushmaster Firearms, Inc., from Windham, Maine native Dick Dyke for an undisclosed sum in April 2006, and purchased Remington Arms in April 2007. Under Cerberus direction, Bushmaster Firearms acquired Cobb Manufacturing, a well-respected manufacturer of large-caliber tactical rifles in August 2007. Cerberus also acquired DPMS Panther Arms December 14, 2007. Remington Arms acquired Marlin Firearms in January 2008

yeah they own a little bit of the firearms industry.


07-10-2009, 05:33 PM
They will buy em and hold them. Hopefully they will not ruin them. Sometimes these companies are just bought and sold off in parts and pieces later.

07-31-2009, 09:06 AM
i'm not normally a "conspirist" but since chrysler and GMAC are involved and they're now under the government (????), could it be the current occupant of the white house is going to simply say "close them down" or severly limit what comes from these facilities"?

if the federal gov't gets into the private firearms sector in a contolling manner...it's over...with the congress we now have...firearms will be a thing of the past insofaras private ownership is concerned. oh, the second amendment will still remain in effect, but with sotomayor and the current occupant of the whitehouse, it'll be simply..."if you can get a gun, you certainly have the right to own one...you may not get ammo for it nor fire it...but you certainly may have one."

sound far fetched? i certainly hope so...no one thought that we'd be where we're at now financially and politically in this country now did they?

the first amendment under severe attack, the second amendment CONSTANTLY under attack...what next? don't be surprised what happens next...