View Full Version : Some ?s re: smoking meat

Mr. 16 gauge
07-16-2009, 09:34 AM
Hello all;
I am interested in smoking some of my own fish & game in the not too distant future. I have done a lot of reading on the subject, but have a few questions.

1.) When using maple wood for smoking, does is matter what type of maple is used (i.e. sugar maple vs silver maple vs some other maple?), or does any 'maple' give the meat the same taste/flavor?

2.) Has anyone here used crab apple wood as a subsitute for apple wood?

Thanks in advance...............

07-16-2009, 06:23 PM
I usually buy bags of my wood chips, so I honestly couldn't tell you what kind of Maple it was. I think you can use just a bout any kind of wood, it is just the flavors that it imparts. Some people claim hickory or mesquite is to harsh on certain meats, myslef I prefer them. Whenever I've used cherry, it always seems to be sweeter.
careful on start this hobby, you will spend a lot of time trying out different recipes and eating way too much! :)

07-17-2009, 03:21 AM
you will spend a lot of time trying out different recipes and eating way too much!

Isn't that the point?:D

One of my old bosses said he used oak on chicken (I think) and it came out pretty good. Part of the fun is experimenting with different wood types, rubs, etc.

Mr. 16 gauge
07-19-2009, 10:28 AM
Thanks again guys for your input.

08-02-2009, 09:23 PM
If you make sure the wood is really seasoned (dry).Ffor the most part it will give off less smoke. If you use green wood (or less than dry), you will overpower the meat and you will be belching smoke for days.

08-31-2009, 07:10 AM
I have done the brine thing with all sorts of meat so watch that...you can make everything taste the same by using the same brine..what I do with steelhead/salmon now is just fillet but leave the skin on....wash, dry with paper towel...sprinkle with a good seasoning well....I like 'steak broil'....with cajun...sprinkle well..let sit on tray overnight in fridge....then put on smoker following directions..easy no fuss way to do it for fish...I also like to use fruit trees for fish, chicken...such as apple, pear...I don't know what smoker you intend to use but I remember the brinkman charcoal directions that came with the thing...it stated add so many chunks of coal for this..so many chunks of coal for that...well forget that.....just load your charcoal pan with charcoal and do not use the 'matchlight' with self start in it...odor will kill the food...can smell it now...mmmmmm let us know what ya made and how it turned out....

09-02-2009, 09:45 PM
The hardest part about smoking meat is keeping it lit.

I like mesquite wood one steaks and pork chops, kickory on pork and chicken and apple wood works good one them all.

09-03-2009, 04:15 PM
Keeping the wood lit CAN be a chore but it doesn't HAVE to be. If you keep your coals going, and check your wood supply every few hours you can keep it going. And yes I mean check it at night too.
