View Full Version : The Ruling Class
07-31-2009, 10:49 PM
There was a news item about one of the Senators that has the attitude that they are supposed to rule and don't have to answer to their constituents. Apparently a group of senior citizens who had a gripe or two about the health care plan revision in congress marched on Senator Diane Feinstein's office in California. The police were called to remove the riff raff.
It is obvious she feels she doesn't answer to anyone. I wish the citizens of Big C. would throw her out. This may be the start of that movement.
08-01-2009, 02:38 AM
The citizens of the US of A should throw all of them out and elect some new blood. Some blood that hasn't been in office since the 60's. It is utterly nuts to think that some of these guys have been there for 40+ years.
08-01-2009, 11:13 PM
Guys, I think both of you are right in this one. The hope of starting a removal movement is a great ideal and I hope that the people of this wonderful country do something about it before a peacefull solution is to late.
08-02-2009, 08:23 AM
Diane (not so) Feinstein would be a good candidate for starters. Could we add some others like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shummer, etc. to the list?
08-02-2009, 08:25 AM
it's called the golden rule. " he that has the gold rules! "
08-02-2009, 02:11 PM
dovehunter, How about Ted Kennedy for adding an amendment to the "health care" bill exempting Congress. And Chris Dood for his "special mortgage" from a group he is supposed to be regulating. Barney Frank should be an honorable mention for campaign contributions from the same group.
08-02-2009, 06:26 PM
While I must agree that we need to throw them out, let's not throw out the wheat with the chaff. I can name at least one Congressman and one Senator that we would be very lucky to keeo in office from my state, I watch what they do with a very close eye, and I would vote to keep Trent Franks in the Congress and Jon Kyl in the Senate come hell or high water. Both gentlemen have voted against the bank bailout, the two stimulus packages,the cash for clunker BS and the health care plan. Mr. Franks is under constat harassment at this point in time by Congresshag Nancy pelosi and Mr. Kyl is getting a lot of flak from my local liberal commie loving newsrag. Both gentlemen are extremely pro-gun and are in my opinion decently conservative in the way they vote. Oh, before I forget, Mr. Kyl has stated, and in Arizona it's just about political suicide that he will vote NO on confirming that "wise Latino racist" Sotomayor. Mr. Kyl rocks!
I refer about most of the people in the congress as "The Royals". They have been in office for so long that they feel privilge is their's an their's alone and that we poor peons/serfs have not a clue what is good for us and in their infinite wisdon will make sure they will do the right thing for WE THE PEOPLE.
Note to democrats and RIBOS: Kiss my rosy rusty dussty. Resign and go home.
Important hing about the health care plan. it's euthanasia for us old geezers. Once we're gone, they'll have full control of all the young people the NEA and commie controlled schools and life will end as we know it for this country, another communist country.
In case no one has noticed, yeah, I'm pissed!
Paul B.
08-02-2009, 10:03 PM
i've long advocated "term limits" one should be able to serve more than 10 years in ANY elected office in ANY state, county, municipality or ANY governmental/legislative body PER LIFETIME.
most of the offensive/objectionable ones have been named already but there are a few other like byrd, john kerry and harry reid should be removed from office, too.
as i understood it, the framers of the constitution intended for the elected officals of the federal govt to come from the common people, serve a term or two and go back into the community as common people: a government "of the people, by the people, for the people..." NOT career politicians...
i believe something should be done and done quickly...IMO...this country is spiraling very quickly into marxism/socialism/communism.
08-03-2009, 11:37 AM
PJgunner, I don't advocate throwing all of the senators and congressmen at once. I have named just a few of the really bad ones. I wouldn't want to remove any of theWyoming representation. We have two fairly new senators who seem to be honest and "watching out for us". Our representative is also new and doing a good job. I feel if we start with the worst and work our way down, some of them may reform before we come to their name. That still doesn't mean they don't need to go. I want to eliminate those that feel they are the ruling class.
And there is the problem. Everyone think some of their elected officials are OK, it's just the other guys' that need removing. Trouble is, the other guy thinks yours need removing.....
Unless you have term limits to keep any of the senators and congressmen from getting entrenched so deeply they can't be gotten rid of, nothing changes.
08-04-2009, 11:00 AM
And there is the problem. Everyone think some of their elected officials are OK, it's just the other guys' that need removing. Trouble is, the other guy thinks yours need removing.....
Unless you have term limits to keep any of the senators and congressmen from getting entrenched so deeply they can't be gotten rid of, nothing changes.
Jack. I can only speak for the two I mentioned. They both seem to "get it" when it comes to constitutional matters. Trent Franks has had a few shouting matches with Pelosie and he refuses to back down when that happens. I wish like hell that I could be there to watch one of those. We need more people in office like Franks and Kyl. I can't vote for Franks as he's Congressman for another district or he would have my vote. Kyl definitely has mine, guaranteed.
Paul B.
08-04-2009, 11:57 AM
Jack, Are you suggesting that we should vote our 1 senator and 1 rep out of office during their first term? Our other senator was disgusted with Washington and only decided to run again because everyone in the state asked him to. I don't think these folks are problems that need to be term limited! Or as a moderator, were you just trolling?
08-04-2009, 04:57 PM
I think the ones we're talking about are the long term bums that consider themselve the elite, the "royals" if you prefer. You know what I mean, those that feel they are the aristocracy, the Dukes, Earls Princes and Princesses, in plain English, the bums that think that they are our betters and we're just something nasty they stepped in.
It's time we stepped on them and put them in their place, the unemployment line.
Paul B.
No, Larry, I'm not trolling. Nor am I suggesting that you unilaterally vote your representatives out of office.
I am trying to point out that without term limits, there will be representatives in office for their entire lifetimes- and those types get to know lobbyists better than they know their constituency.
08-04-2009, 11:06 PM
Jack, Well said. I don't know why people in a state that has someone in the senate so long keep re-electing them. Kennedy is a case in point. I have been told the seniors keep electing him because he gives them anything they want. This healthcare bill should cure that problem.
08-07-2009, 02:48 AM
I was going to say the same thing. Two posters on here have kept a watchful eye on a couple of their representatives that they like because those representatives have voted NO across the board on issues that the Dems favor or they have done special things for their state specifically. That there is the entire issue and where we are having the problem.
We need to compromise on a lot of stuff and pass laws to try new things. We have to be flexible. If the new law turns out to be a POS, then be flexible and get rid of it or modify it. Kind of like letting the assault weapon ban sunset. They tried it, it didn't really do anything, so let it freaking die.
Same thing goes for representatives that do well by their state by getting the porkulus for their state. Please. The question is what are they doing for their nation as a whole. Don't just worry about getting those federal programs, grants, money for your state, figure out how to make the entire nation better. That is where we are right now. We need to focus nationally, and not just in their back yard so that they can tout what they did for the state and get re-elected next term. Don't ask "What did you do for our state, ask what did you do for our COUNTRY".
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