View Full Version : Fish & small game cleaning table

Mr. 16 gauge
08-03-2009, 02:15 PM
Made this out of scraps and leftovers; found the 2x4s in the trash at a local restaurant. Found the tiles at the local Lowes in the bargain bin....paid 50 cents per bundle (bought 3 bundles). Had some left over adhesive from putting the a carpet down, and the paint was left over ceiling paint from a few years ago. The only thing I didn't have on hand was the grout for the tiles.
I cut a hole off to the one side & put a 5 gallon bucket to collect the carcasses, offal, skins, ect to be hauled away and buried elsewhere, or a small kitchen plastic bag can be placed in the bucket and the remains can be bagged and thrown in the trash. Table top dimensions are 16" x 39", and it stands about 3.5' tall.
When done, just hose her off and wipe her down with one of those dissinfectant wipes, and your ready to go! Plan on using this to hold platters, barbeque sauce, ect. by the grill as well.:)




08-03-2009, 03:43 PM
pretty slick there. I like it anyway. I built one way back in the day (and it has long since moved on to I dont know where) out of scram treated 2x4s, and made the top out of rough cut scrap cedar fence boards. It lasted for a good 10 years, lost track of it when I moved away from home after high school, and it isn't around now so who the heck knows.

ANYWAY thats a nice table you have. I like the bucket addition.


02-19-2010, 02:02 PM
That is a very nice table. Looks like a great design.