View Full Version : No Drilling/Tapping Scope Mount for Ruger Blackhawk

08-26-2009, 04:50 PM
I have been thinking aobut putting either a low-power scope or maybe a red dot sight on my 7-1/2" barreled .45 Colt Ruger Blackhawk. I would prefer not to use a mount that requires drilling and tapping and/or other permanent modifications in case I decide later on that I don't like such a set up. Is B-Square the only company that makes a "no gunsmithing required" mount for the Blackhawk? Has anyone used the B-Square mount and, if so, how do you like it? :confused:

08-26-2009, 11:24 PM
they are the only one that i no of i have checked into them my self for my gp100 but just have not bought one yet

08-27-2009, 03:53 PM
B-Square may make one that requires removeing the rear sight and the front clamps on the reciever just ahead of the cylinder.

08-30-2009, 02:04 PM
I have never used the B-Squared mount, but was considering get one years back. The only reason I did not is because I heard from too many places that they would not hold point of aim, especially with heavy hunting loads. I never did mount a scope on any of my Black Hawks for that reason. I bought a Red Hawk and scoped it.

11-18-2009, 12:43 AM
Wow! How ironic... I just today bought a very nice .44mag 7.5" BBL, SuperBlackhawk. I didnt have time before work, to put it on my permit. Ill take care of that tomorrow.

Im going to be sure to follow this thread.

11-18-2009, 08:42 AM
Wow! How ironic... I just today bought a very nice .44mag 7.5" BBL, SuperBlackhawk. I didnt have time before work, to put it on my permit. Ill take care of that tomorrow.

Im going to be sure to follow this thread.

What Catfish said worried me. It made perfectly good sense. For at least the time being (and this deer season) I am going to take my chances with the Blackhawk's pretty good open sights.

11-19-2009, 02:17 PM
Like I said, I have never used one, but at the time I was looking at them I had already killed at least 10 deer with iron sights. If you do try them give them alot of rough treatment before you take them hunting. Better safe than sorry. ;)

12-27-2009, 06:25 PM
I have the Red Hawk,what kind of mounts did you use and where did you get them?