View Full Version : A new CCW handgun.

Adam Helmer
09-03-2009, 11:45 AM
I just received a mint (99.5%) Colt Cobra 2-inch, nickel finish .38 Special revolver with hammer shroud. Being a S&W fan and a fan of adjustable sights, I kept an open mind and took a bag of ammo to the backyard bench to see where the fixed sights looked.

I found out that Federal and Winchester 158 grain LSWC HP loads were all over the the target at 25 yards, with no real group. My hard cast 158 SWC bullets and Red Dot stayed in the bullseye of a B-8 target. My best load was Unique and a hard cast 358495 WC bullet. All 10 rounds were +2.5 inches at 25 yards and in the 10-ring! I like it when a gun shoots where it "looks."

All my fixed-sighted guns are fed only the loads that print where the gun points. I kind of like this handy Cobra. It fits well in a coat or vest pocket. The hammer shroud is a nice extra that I have not used since I retired; it is tough on coat pockets, but is the ultimate in concealed carry.


09-03-2009, 02:29 PM
snubbies are great, i love pocket carry also. i will say though keep a look every once in a while for lint around the firing pin and the such. i cant get over how quickly it ends up in my sw 642 despite the pocket holster

09-05-2009, 04:09 PM
Nice find Adam, they are a fine handgun, and this coming fro a died in the wool Smith lover.