View Full Version : Patriot Golf Day

Rocky Raab
09-04-2009, 09:46 AM
Today through Monday is Patriot Golf Day. At participating courses (see the link below) you can add a dollar (or more!) to your greens fees this weekend to provide scholarships for the families of our military killed in action.

If you play golf, do it. If you don't golf, send them a buck through the link. PATRIOT

Rocky Raab
09-04-2009, 05:07 PM
Crap. The link didn't post. Try this: http://www.patriotgolfday.com/

09-06-2009, 10:54 PM
heard that they are t.rying to have a tax on guns about 50 dollars per gun heard the tax is trying to be put through this year or is this just a computer hoax hope it is a hoax