View Full Version : Score..Dove 100..Ole Man 0

Dan Morris
09-05-2009, 06:07 PM
Was able to go for dove this morning...these 45 nites for a week pushed em south...as to comments on Eurasian Collared not migrating......jury is still out on that un...did not even see a bird!! Oh well, still got 2 days before I go back to work...came home, mowed yard, did a couple of steaks on the grill and did a couple of Buds....Kid had to work so I went out to Strassberg by my self...nice drive.....LOL..visited with land owner for a while...we talked about deer/elk for a while...LOL...Weather Service just posted an alert for flooding rains where I was this morning.....

09-07-2009, 07:46 AM
Dan, Same cool nights here. Only been out once and have yet to fire a shot. So we are tied for score so far.

09-10-2009, 07:28 AM
Haven't made it back out, so score hasn't changed. My son was out one day last week with his son. They were using 20 gas. with steel no. 7s, not very impressed with them, big puff of feathers and bird still flying. They did kill some but not happy with steel 7s.

09-11-2009, 09:27 PM
Have been enjoying some good dove shooting out in this part of the world. Been hunting over a stock dam aways down from my house. It's sorta been like shooting really tiny little ducks coming into a pothole. But it's sure been fun. My lab has been having a ball retrieving the birds that go down in the water. Most of the pheasants around here pretty much got wiped out by our last brutal winter, so I'm enjoying this shoot as long as it lasts. Hope you all are getting some shooting in.:)

09-13-2009, 06:09 PM
Haven't made it back out, so score hasn't changed. My son was out one day last week with his son. They were using 20 gas. with steel no. 7s, not very impressed with them, big puff of feathers and bird still flying. They did kill some but not happy with steel 7s.

Are you mandated to use steel shot for doves? I certainly wouldn't if I didn't have to. In my 20 ga. guns I have used 1 oz. handloads of no. 7-1/2 target grade lead shot effectively for years. You'll always get the occasional "big puff of feathers and bird still flying" but I'll be willing to bet it will be a lot less often with lead shot. If you have to use steel, would it help to move up to no. 6?