View Full Version : Bismuth for reloading

Mr. 16 gauge
09-12-2009, 10:03 PM
It's been a while since domestic bismuth has been available (in bulk) for reloading, and new manufactured bismuth shells are only available from the U.K.

I've just learned that bulk bismuth shot is again available for reloading from Precision reloading, Inc. It appears that it is being imported from the U.K. by Eley, and the price has definetly gone up....now it costs about the same as bulk hevishot. They are currently out of the bigger sizes (#4 on up) and only #5, 6, and 7 are currently available. Here is a link if you wish to check it out.


Another alternative is the new ITX shot from Ballistic Products, but I can find out little about it....seems to be soft enough to use in older guns, fixed choked guns, muzzleloaders, ect., like bismuth, but is slightly cheaper. HOWEVER.....you also need to buy reloading data in order to use the stuff! Excuse me Ballistic products, but if I spend an arm and a leg to order this stuff from your company, I think that the least you can do is throw in some free reloading data!

Anyways, that is the latest for those of you who want to use your older guns............take care.

09-13-2009, 12:16 AM
Ballistics products did that once before with steel and I think they did it with Bismuth at first.

09-13-2009, 07:53 AM
I'm going to have to call them as I am interested in ITX shot for the 16 ga. I also would buy my wads from them for the 16 ga., but if no data available forget it I'll use steel. Already have 4 lbs .of Alliant Steel powder.