View Full Version : open seasens

09-17-2009, 12:07 PM
Early doe opens here tday in mich and small game opened up the 15.
I am not to big on hunting in warm weather for deer but i do like to chase grouse and tree rats.
I wont be getting out till this weeknd most to work on my stand and sight in my sons shot gun i might let him hunt deer but i will try to talk him into hunt small game.

09-18-2009, 09:04 PM
Vegitation is still real green here, would love to be hunting squirrels now that is getting cooler.

09-19-2009, 08:07 PM
Popplecop This is the time I like to hunt squuirrels. It is easy to see them feeding on a calm day with the branches moving. Easy to sneek right up under them with out being spotted.

Wrench I am Looking forward to taking my grandson out for the youth deer hunt next week. Now I just have to find some deer on one of the farms I can hunt that I can pattern. I went out tonite to look but forgot my thermacell. Didn't stay long.

I got looking at the rule book last week and it looks like he can shoot a doe using one of his youth combo licence tags as a doe tag. Gotta check with our local CO as to which tag he has to use as it does not say. I am thinking of using the restricted tag (if legal) as that will let him shoot any buck later on in regular firearm season.

09-19-2009, 10:03 PM
Yes you can my son has and my newphew has in areas hard to draw tags.
My son wants to use my side lock this years i am going to let him try it out this weeknd.