View Full Version : stupid shell prices
09-21-2009, 03:18 PM
I have to fight to find 7/8ths ounce #6 low brass field loads nowadays for my 20 gauges, and when I do I usually have to order them online at $7.99+ a box and up! What the heck happened? Even three years ago I was buying the same shells at $3.97 to $4.97 a box depending on brand off the shelf. Now Federals are $7.99 a box, Remmys are $9.99 a box, and Winchesters at the local wally world are $12.97 a box!!!!! I can buy highbrass loads for $14.97 a box off of the same shelf (and that's too high as well!)
WHAT GIVES? This is stupid, I hate to think I am going to be forced to reload shot shells after I decided no to, but that's what it is looking like.
09-21-2009, 08:17 PM
3 or 4 years ago..shot was way down under what it is now..I sold shot 4 years ago at 14 bucks a bag. Twice that or more now..Powder also is way up..What cost me 8 dollars a pound in bulk is now 14-16 a pound. Cost of shipping is tremendously higher too. Sooooo the price of ammo is up too. Of course our wages aren't all that much higher..and taxes are a bit more..and now we have to help the guys under us up to our level..nevermind the fact they don't want to WORK to get there with us..:rolleyes: for them WORK "IS" a 4 letter word. In my personal opinion Democrat has become a 4 letter word...and I have been a lifelong Dem. Course I ain't REAL keen about Republican anymore either. They both remind me of the other 4 letter word...Marx.. So Rich..the price of ammo like everything else has gone through the roof because of commodities prices and the GLOBAL economy and Al Gore's Global warming and every other reason including the fact that people are hoarding stuff because of the best arms and ammunition salesmen of our lifetimes.....Barak Obama and his marxist party. Whew!! Did I really say all that??
09-21-2009, 09:27 PM
Welcome to reloading GOB. The reason I reload is so I can get the exact loads I want, and because it is also therapeutic.
I went to Dicks on the first of the month and target loads were almost $10. That was insane.
09-22-2009, 07:14 AM
Last week I was at Dick's for something else and, while I was there, I checked their "Lodge". They had Remington 12, 16, & 20 Game Loads in shot sizes 6, 7-1/2, & 8 for $5.98 a box. I almost had heart failure at their even having 16 ga. shells at all, let alone at that cheap a price! I bought a case of the 16s. This was in Richmond, VA. I don't recall seeing any sales add in the newspaper or anything. You may want to check out Dick's again.
09-22-2009, 08:53 AM
We don't have a dick's anywhere around us, and the local academy is out of anything resembling squirrel shells. The nearest Gander Mountain is also real short on shot shells.
Yeah I know all the components are going up, but this is insane.
Mr. 16 gauge
09-22-2009, 09:13 AM
Shotshell prices have been going up for a while.....started the last two years around here. If you can get promo shells for $5-$6/box, my recommendation is BUY 'EM!!!! You ain't gonna see those prices for very much longer!
Prices started to skyrocket a couple of years ago....China was on a building boom and was buying anything and everything on the scrap metal market (sound familiar?:mad:) including lead, copper, brass, and other metals. The Olympics were being held in Beijing, and they had the whole world to impress.:rolleyes:
Shot went (literally) from $14-$15/25lbs to over $50 for a bag! .30/30 shells were running around $30/box, and .30-06 ammo was around $45-$50/box of 20. This was not the Superduperkiller ammo that the companies want you to buy......this was the 'standard' soft point hunting ammo that cost $7.99/box at most places just a year before.
Prices have come down a little bit....last box of .30/30 ammo I examined at the local Gander Mountain was around $15/box, and promo shotshells are running between $8-$10/box. Clay pigeons took a hit, too....used to buy 'em on sale for around $5/box; now they are near $10. Shot is running around $30/25lbs, and that is the bottom of the line stuff.
My advice? If you find a good deal, don't think twice and scoop it up...........
Mr. 16 gauge
09-22-2009, 09:15 AM
....and don't forget that ammo can be mailed to you. Shipping will add to the cost, but at least you will have what you want when you need it. I got tired of settling on what was "in stock" at the local store, so I just ordered large quantities when I had the opportunity. ammo/components don't go bad, and are there when I need them.
09-22-2009, 10:39 AM
Yeah and I am sick of the in-store experts telling me what I want is wrong. If one more pimple faced wal-mart worker tries to sell me a box of 3" #4 long range express 20 gauge for squirrel hunting I will lose it, seriously. I want to eat the buggers, not launch them into low orbit!
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