View Full Version : old 4x scope wanted

10-27-2009, 10:54 PM
I have a pre 64 winchester 94 30-30, and searching for a low cost scope for it. It has an old 4X weaver, but it is in disrepair and wanting a scope to replace it. An old weaver 4X or what ever. I just want to keep it "old schoole".

by the way it has a 4xb stayflite, starflite or what ever. No data on either one.

10-28-2009, 01:43 AM
I happen to have quite a few older scopes. Have 2 very nice Lyman scopes from that era. Both one inch 4x one is a Challenger 4x and the other is a Lyman All American 4x 35 bucks plus shipping for the Challenger 45 + shipping for the All American. Even have a few Weavers.. But nothing really nice other than the 2 Lymans. Actually the Challenger measures 1.023.

10-28-2009, 09:08 PM
the old weaver k4 they are nice good luck trying to find one

10-30-2009, 08:30 AM
I have a pre 64 winchester 94 30-30, and searching for a low cost scope for it. It has an old 4X weaver, but it is in disrepair and wanting a scope to replace it. An old weaver 4X or what ever. I just want to keep it "old schoole"...

How is the existing scope mounted on this gun? Presumably the scope is too old to have long enough eye relief to mount it scout fashion. Is it mounted on the side of the receiver in an offset fashion? If so, how do you like it? I have an older non angle-eject M94 on which I have always wanted to mount a scope but thought trying to use it with the offset mounts would be cumbersome. :confused:

11-25-2009, 05:38 PM
How is the existing scope mounted on this gun? Presumably the scope is too old to have long enough eye relief to mount it scout fashion. Is it mounted on the side of the receiver in an offset fashion? If so, how do you like it? I have an older non angle-eject M94 on which I have always wanted to mount a scope but thought trying to use it with the offset mounts would be cumbersome. :confused:

I've done it a time or two. my eyesight is so bad that the strength of my glasses makes the use of most iron sights impossible. I can just barely get along with a receiver sight. Somehow, I've always had difficulty getting that side mounted scope exactly on the money. I still have the mount so maybe I'll try it again, although a scope does look dorky, especially the side mount on an M94. However, if one wants to shoot and hit, one has to do whatever it takes. You can't hit it if you can't see the sights.
Paul B.

11-26-2009, 09:35 AM
Paul B:

I know the feeling all too well. :( That's why I was thinking about trying one of those funky side mounts on my M94. Personally, I hate those scout mount aberations!

12-01-2009, 06:05 PM
It is a weaver offset side mount. It works well for right handed use, but for a leftie you are looking over the stock.

12-23-2009, 07:40 PM
I have an old Weaver classic 400 it has paint missing on the outside and the glass is dirty inside. I took it off my Rem 721 about 15 years ago. It still shot straight and accurate. It isnt anything fancy. Not sure what it is worth. I also have a Leupold M8 that show use on the outside and has some scratches on the glass but is not cloudy to look through. I have not posted here in a while but can give references to other boards I have sold on.

jon lynn
12-26-2009, 09:19 AM
Hope this helps:


Ironsight, Tulsa Oklahoma.
4814 S ELWOOD AVE. - TULSA, OK 74107
918 . 445 . 2001
918 . 521 . 7736

Weaver K4 60B 4 x Made in El Paso, TX $125 Has A.O.

Weaver V4.5-W (wideview) 1.5 x 4.5 Made in El Paso, TX $150

Weaver J2.5 2.5 x $85

02-04-2010, 05:05 PM
There are several places that repair the old weavers including a shop in El Paso TX that's staffed by former Weaver employees.
Search "Weaver scope repair"