View Full Version : Reduced .22 Hornet Loads?

10-30-2009, 07:16 AM
I have been considering using reduced loads with maybe 40-45 gr. cast round nose bullets in a .22 Hornet for squirrel hunting. I have checked around a bit and haven't been able to find much info about the best powders to use and charge weights. I would think that Unique may be a good powder for such loads. Can any of you give me any recommendations or is this is a totally dumb idea that I should just drop? :confused:

Rocky Raab
10-30-2009, 08:52 AM
Finding the mould and gas checks, then getting good bullets will be the hard part. Loads are easy.

Try Unique 5.0, Blue Dot 6.0, or 11.0 RL-7. All will be just under 2000 fps. You can work DOWN from there if that gives you too much meat damage. I've used 3.5 Bullseye with good results, but not with cast bullets. It ought to be fine with lead.