View Full Version : Two new 22 rfs

10-31-2009, 03:31 PM
Picked up 2 new 22s this week. A S&W M&P15-22, got this mainly to get my grandsons to stop useing all my ammo up in my AR 15. Looks like a great plinker. The other was a new in the box Ruger 10/22 Mannlicher stocked 22. I'm kinda of a sucker for full Mannlichers, now if the wather would just clear up I'd go out and shoot them.

10-31-2009, 08:40 PM
was the Ruger blue steel and walnut?

I have one that I bought years ago, that is stainless and laminate.

11-02-2009, 12:17 AM
I love that 10/22 Mannlicher version- wish I'd bought one, way back when.

11-02-2009, 09:33 PM
Mine is blued steel and birch, wish it was walnut. I'm just happy to find this one, I also have a CZ 452FS to go with it.

11-04-2009, 12:58 AM