View Full Version : Tress passers still old mans buck

11-02-2009, 10:54 PM
I went deer hunting this morn came out around 11 and worked on a gun blind for november 15 while working on the lind the 82 year old man that hunts the property next door is walking the property line.
I ask if every thing is ok and if he needs help becouse it looks like he is looking for a deer he said he is looking for a big 8 point he shot the nite before and blood stoped and had to get a stress test this morn and had a late start getting back out to find it.
So i gave him a hand the deer never crossed to my side when we found it the deer was missing its head and the nuts were cut off.
So to say the least we are all sick me becouse a nice buck is dead and i was hopeing to kill him and the old man that did was robbed.

11-03-2009, 11:24 AM
Sounds like some of the nuts in this state would do.

11-12-2009, 05:54 AM
Yep, that is a bummer.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-12-2009, 08:21 AM
Don't know where you live, wrenchman, but it happens all the time where I hunt, and is just one of the many reasons I gave up deer hunting.
Went out after squirrels this weekend on the Lapeer SGA....found that one of the parking areas is now a 'dumping ground' for the locals......deer carcasses everywhere, and the smell is nauseating! I find carcasses all the time up there in the ditches....some with just the backstraps cut out, some with just the antlers and/or heads removed....none of the meat taken. Complained to the DNR, but got the standard "What do you want us to do about it?" response.

Time to move to another state..............:(

11-13-2009, 11:27 PM

Keep your ears open. I know it's a long shot, but there is a distinct possibility that those morons will open their mouths and allow the wrong person to pick up on who did this. I've recently heard of several instances where idiots who illegally shot or took trophies got busted. I'm hoping for your sake that these screwballs get what is coming to them.

Sorry to hear this...
