View Full Version : Indian Summer day and handgun bullet casting.

Adam Helmer
11-06-2009, 10:50 AM
I use cast bullets exclusively in my .38, .357, .41, .44, and .45 handguns. Yesterday was a nice sunny 60 degree day just made for casting my Winter handgun projectile supply. I live on a farm and have a 3-bay tractor shed just made for bullet casting regardless of weather. Bay #3 has a hay wagon backed in and it is the best work bench/casting bench I ever had. I use a Coleman stove and run 4 or 5 moulds in a casting session. I get wheelweights free from the local tire shop and drop all bullets from the moulds into a bucket of water. Yesterday, I made a 10 quart bucket of cast projectiles. Now I need to sort them and then size and lube them all for Winter target shooting and plinking hereabouts.

Who else casts their own handgun bullets?


11-07-2009, 04:41 PM
"Who else casts their own handgun bullets?"

Me! :D:cool: I also cast rifle bullets from .2 cal. up to .45 cal. :D
Why use an expensive jacketed bullet for fun and games when the cast lead bullet will work just as well? I'll even deer hunt with them when conditions are right.
Paul B.

11-12-2009, 05:48 AM
I cast 38/357,44, & M-L bullets. I've been thinking about a mold for my 45acp loads. I do agree a warm Fall day is perfect for outdoor casting.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-12-2009, 06:18 AM
I cast for 9mm, .38 special, .38 Super, .357 & .44 mag, .30 cal rifle (.30/30), 12 gauge shotgun slug, and muzzleloading projectiles (.54 cal Round ball, R*E*A*L bullet, & Minie, .62 cal Round ball, and .44 round ball & conical).
I usually cast in the spring.....fall has me hunting, raking leaves, putting up Christmas lights (today's chore), or a host of other things.....

Got a small bucket of wheel weights, spent bullets, fishing jigs, ect, that need processing.......;)

11-12-2009, 09:16 AM
I cast a bullet now and then, just to keep the moulds in shape. I guess I cast .257 to .580 in the rifles and .257 to .452 in the handgun bullets. Yep, the .257 mould is for the 256 WM TC barrel.

This time of year, when it first cools down in NW FL I usually start making my regular alloy in 100 pound lots, cast into muffin tins.