View Full Version : mallards

11-07-2009, 08:33 PM
starting to see some new ducks here in Iowa. shot 2 canvasbacks and 4 mallards today. probably seen well over 5 or 6 hundred mallards but didn't get many to work. tomorrow should be a better day. and today we seen flock after flock of snow geese. kinda surprised me a little that we would be seeing them this early.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-16-2009, 05:40 PM
I saw probably 2000 to 3000 ducks today......all circling the refuge and at heights that require supplemental oxygen!:rolleyes:

Things have been quite slow here the past week.....weather had been anything but 'ducky' and with moron after moron throwing up "Hail Mary" shots, the birds know where they are safe.
Bagged 3 mallards, a GW teal and a Ruddy last week....today I got my first drake bufflehead. Hopefully I will have at least one good day this week where the birds come in 'cupped & committed'.....but if not, well...that's duck hunting.

11-17-2009, 06:31 AM
Hey now, any day of duck hunting is a good day compared to working. If I got 4 to 5 ducks in a day I think I would be pretty happy.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-17-2009, 06:49 AM
any day of duck hunting is a good day compared to working.

I'll give that a hearty "AMEN!";)

11-18-2009, 05:14 AM
I'll give that a hearty "AMEN!";)

One caveat. Assuming you are gainfully employed and just taking the weekend or vacation time to hunt. If you don't have a job, life can really suck, unless you are independently wealthy.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-18-2009, 06:36 AM
Well, only ended up with one hen mallard yesterday....they wanted to be in the area that was adjacent to me (but the fool hunters in there would start blasting at 'em when they were 70 yards out.....probably crippled half as many as they took!:mad: If the A-holes would just wait another 10-15 seconds they would have easy shots; the birds were cupped and committed).
The day was breezy, but the ducks still prefer the refuge....still, it was a nice day. As a bonus, I got to watch several flights of A-10 Warthogs from the local ANG base practice manuvers. Wonder if I could get them to do a straifing run on the refuge?:rolleyes:

11-19-2009, 05:28 AM
Well, only ended up with one hen mallard yesterday....they wanted to be in the area that was adjacent to me (but the fool hunters in there would start blasting at 'em when they were 70 yards out.....probably crippled half as many as they took!:mad: If the A-holes would just wait another 10-15 seconds they would have easy shots; the birds were cupped and committed).
The day was breezy, but the ducks still prefer the refuge....still, it was a nice day. As a bonus, I got to watch several flights of A-10 Warthogs from the local ANG base practice manuvers. Wonder if I could get them to do a straifing run on the refuge?:rolleyes:

Yep, it sucks when you have to witness sky busting right next to you. I went through that about 3 or 4 years ago. Problem is that the idiots were sky busting them as the geese were setting up to come into my spread. I was pissed. My dad and I still got our limit pretty quick that morning and I had half a mind to park my truck right next to the field edge that the idiots were hunting so that they wouldn't get any action the rest of the day, but I decided to be nice. Of course, they set up right next to the field edge of the field that I was hunting because they knew the birds wanted into the field I was hunting.

There is very little camaraderie anymore between anybody. Instead of them being nice and letting me take my limit very quickly on cupped and committed birds, they made me work really hard at it, which just made me stay in the field longer that morning.

11-19-2009, 06:43 AM
There is very little camaraderie anymore between anybody. Instead of them being nice and letting me take my limit very quickly on cupped and committed birds, they made me work really hard at it, which just made me stay in the field longer that morning.

Ain't that the truth.

Just like every thing else it is all cut throat any more. I think that Michigan has to be one of the worst as far as that goes. I think Mr. 16 gauge and wrenchman will agree with me.

When we had the dove hunting vote a few years back the non interested in dove hunting so called sportsmen would not even support the ones that want to hunt doves.

11-20-2009, 04:47 AM
Ain't that the truth.

Just like every thing else it is all cut throat any more. I think that Michigan has to be one of the worst as far as that goes. I think Mr. 16 gauge and wrenchman will agree with me.

When we had the dove hunting vote a few years back the non interested in dove hunting so called sportsmen would not even support the ones that want to hunt doves.

Yep, everything is all about "me" and what do "I" get nowadays, unless you happen to be talking about personal responsibility, and then it is everybody elses fault, not "mine". "I'm" defaulting on my mortgage because of those deceitful mortgage companies. "I'm" over my head in credit card debt because those deceitful credit card companies offered "me" too much credit at favorable terms initially. The list goes on and on.