View Full Version : My truck!
11-09-2009, 08:40 AM
Got her home yesterday these pics are from when we were working on it. Still needs work and cleaning but she turned over with the new battery on the first try, started and died on the second with the starter fluid, and started and ran for about half an hour (until I turned off the engine) on the third try. The four flat tires gave us fits since my buddies air compressor decided it was a good day to just die. Three cans of fix of flat, and one spare tire later I had 15lbs of preassure in all four tires (that need 35 pounds in them) and rolled at 15 miles an hour down to the local truckstop to air up and gas up. Not bad for a truck that has been sitting for more than a year. She took the 62 mile trip home without a hiccup.
needs a good cleaning still and more than a few repairs on electical system.
Love my new old '79!
11-09-2009, 01:23 PM
Being a old chevy man i am jealous what size moter do you have in it ?
11-10-2009, 10:36 AM
350, 4 barrel, with a 4 bolt main.
not bad for $500 huh?
11-10-2009, 05:05 PM
Where are the air bags? LOL
If I wasn't a Ford man, I would be jealous. My dad owned a 76 Ford F-150 pickup that was awesome. I wish he had never traded it in on a dump truck.
By the way, nice truck, especially for $500.
11-10-2009, 10:55 PM
you could scater the moter and i could still get you a $1000 just for thw moter
11-11-2009, 03:56 PM
I dunno already spending money on it. I spent $20 yesterday at the auto parts store on a window handle (to roll down the window) and the replacement lock pulls. Gotta clean ten years of transformer oil off of the steerin wheel somehow too. Then there is the bidness of changin the oil, rechargin the AC, getting the wiring fixed so I can get her inspected, and all that kinda good stuff.
And just think no computers will be harmed in the workin on o dis truck. . . .
Okie Hog
11-13-2009, 06:31 AM
That is a good looking truck.
11-13-2009, 08:39 AM
Thanks Okie, I started her up the other night and let her run for a bit. She is doing good, though she could desperately use a good lube job. Probably will get it this weekend at the house.
11-13-2009, 11:25 AM
Hey GPB, One way to elimate all the problems is drop 30K on a new one. Problems solved.
11-13-2009, 12:50 PM
Find me a new one with a carberator, and no computer and we will talk. :p
11-13-2009, 03:17 PM
That truck's a real classic. Heck of a deal. Looks like little or no rust too. Great find.
11-15-2009, 03:49 PM
Good buy, nice looking truck.
11-17-2009, 08:30 AM
And after three cans of coolant (an an adapter kit) the ac blows cold cold. We spent a few hours cleaning up the inside of her and in the process found two holes in the floorboard about the size of a nickle each (one on drivers, one on passengers side). So I will have to fix those after I replace the window seals, etc.
I am enjoying the heck outa workin on this truck.
11-17-2009, 11:22 AM
Leave the holes in the floor. Will save you vacuming out the water. Just kidding. Good luck. You own a classic.
11-17-2009, 02:24 PM
do your self a faver dont pop rivit a peace of metal over them it will make the holes get bigger faster.
Have patchs welded in place and covered with under coat it is something you learn real fast here in mich
11-17-2009, 03:40 PM
Well the upside is we dont get salted roads here (EVER). The only time I know of there was ever salt on the roads in my county was the year we were making homemade ice cream and accidentally tipped over the Morton's rock salt on the way home from town. . . . . Seriously though when it gets to that point I plan to do it right, I plan to cut out whatever is damaged, weld in new metal, and I have even thought about getting one of the local paint shops to use spray in bed liner in the cab floorboard (after the bed, and at least a year down the road) my only concern of course being the humidity and how it would react. After all the bed doesn't have cold air blowing on it in August with 122F in the shade and 40000% humidity like the cab does. main thing right now though is to get the wiring fixed, I am a little nervous as I haven't tried to repair wiring on a truck before, at least not to this extent.
11-18-2009, 09:21 AM
So late yesterday at work I am perusing the local sale ads and find that Oreilly auto parts has autolite copper core heavy duty sparkplugs on for $1.49 a piece with a .50 mail in rebate, but the sale ends yesterday (I still had a chance). Since I dont get home in time to get by before they close I got the part number info from autolite and had my brother pickup the plugs for me. They had 9. I needed 8. So I had him pick up all 9. (Not like a plug can go bad while in the box) so Now I get to change the plugs out! WHOOOO
11-18-2009, 10:11 AM
you hae one of the easyest trucks to work on i wish we lived closer i have a couple books i could come over and play
11-18-2009, 10:22 AM
I had 1977 chevy full time 4 wheel drive it needed lots of work my brother gave it to me.
I rebuilt the trans and put a new torq converter in it and painted it i drove it a couple times and it sucked gas.
My brother come over one day and i gave it back sayed he could have it becouse i didnt have the money to buy lock out hub or drive it he took it home and had it parked in fronet of his house when some one stoped and wanted it he called and sayed how much do i want i told him 1700 and the guy could have it.
He bought it when my brother come over with the money i gave him half ecouse he had gave me the truck.
The last time i seen it it had a snow plow and a tow boom on it this was about 15 years ago.
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