View Full Version : Taurus Tracker

12-03-2009, 07:03 PM
Anyone have knowledge of or experience with the Taurus Tracker revolvers. I have always thought that a big bore cartridge (e.g., 41Mag, 44Mag, 44spcl, 45LC) would be great in a medium frame revolver like the S&W L-frame series. My preference would be a 5-shot cylinder and 4" barrel (6" should be offered too) for a package that wouldn't be too heavy or too bulky.

I wrote S&W about this a few years ago and of course I was ignored. Seems that they can offer lots of ridiculous models but not this one. The Taurus Tracker is the only revolver of this type that I know of.

Any thoughts,


12-04-2009, 05:21 PM
I think lonewolf has one and has killed deer with it

12-05-2009, 02:05 PM
The Taurus Tracker is a nice revolver, good quality, good value. I found out that cartridges I had loaded for my Model 57 S&W would not fit in the Tracker cylinder; a little too long. A little too long is "way too long". Cartridges loaded to fit the Tracker will fit the Model 57 just fine.

12-05-2009, 10:06 PM
My Tuarus is actually the 44Mag Raging Bull. I've looked at the Tracker's and they look pretty nice. I wouldn't worry about quality isues at all with one. Taurus has come a llong way, and I feel they have a good rep. Not to mention a lifetime warranty.

12-20-2009, 06:12 PM
I had a Rageing Bull in .454 that was more like a rageing pussy cat. I never had any problems with it and liked it, but had 2 friends that had problems with Taurus handguns and both had problems with their survice on their with their service, so much so I sold my Rageing Bull. Both were about 5 to 6 years ago and I have not heard anything about their service since, but I have crossed them off my list of guns to buy.