View Full Version : R.E.A.L. Bullets?

Ontario Hawken
12-09-2009, 01:34 PM
I reently bought a Lee Mould for a 50 cal. 320 gr R.E.A.L. bullet. Have any of you used this bullet type before? If so, how well does it load and shoot?



Mr. 16 gauge
12-09-2009, 07:01 PM
I have two molds for the .54 cal R*E*A*L bullet (two different weights......I think one is a 380 grain; can't remember what the other one is.)
What I've found is that they load fairly easily (I use bore butter as a lubricant) and go down a clean bore with just a push of the thumb. They are fairly accurate with lower powder charges, but when you want speed, accuracy seems to go all to hell.
.....and that's all I know about that!;)

12-09-2009, 08:12 PM
Ontario, I've used the R E A L bullet. In my .50 , it wasn't real easy to load, but you could load it, and it worked OK.
However, I also got a Lee .50 Minie ball mould. The Minie is slow to cast, as it's a single cavity, and sometimes the skirt doesn't fill out perfectly, so the reject rate is higher than with the R E A L. On the other hand, the Minie loads very easily, and shoots very, very well, even at maximum speeds.
Consequently, I quit shooting the R E A L- I shoot the Minie. The Minie is a deadly game bullet, too, IME.

12-15-2009, 03:40 PM
I had the REAL bullet for my 50,and like stated be for when you went for speed the accuracy went to hell.Mine shot best with a bore button (I think it was called-piece of felt).