View Full Version : Any Ruger Red Label owner's out there?

PA Hunter
12-17-2009, 03:45 PM
I am picking one up after X-mas, used 12 GA 26 in only has one box of shells through it about 6-8 years old.

It is my uncle's cousin, I looked at it and it is mint he bought it to shoot trap but does not like it. The gun feels great and fit's me perfect.

I only want it for pheasant hunting and was wondering anyone have any good load info for me. I plan on reloading for it and I never owned a gun with removable chokes and I never owned or shot a 3 in shell.

Thougt it would be nice to have an over under with two different chokes and be able to switch between barrells while hunting.

Anything I should know about these?
I am paying him about $ 1,000 for it.

12-18-2009, 07:59 AM
I owned one at one time. Couldn't hit the side of a barn with it from the inside. Traded it for a Beretta 686 and never ollked back.