View Full Version : Ruger LCR

12-23-2009, 12:53 AM
I just started carrying and this is my first pistol to carry but i have to say i greatly enjoy it. I carry with it simply tucked under my belt w/o a holster, and i have to say i sometimes forget i have it. Its very light and pretty comfortable. This gun also shoots quite well for a snubby. I can keep most rounds in the 5 inch circle at 15 yards with it. So if anyone was interested in this little gun it has my vote of confidence.

Adam Helmer
12-23-2009, 10:04 AM

I often carry my M1911 without a holster tucked in my weak side belt. I carry my revolvers in holsters because in a scuffle, you do not want to lose possession of your CCW piece.


12-23-2009, 11:44 AM
Interesting comment about the LCR. Was thinking about one from Santa to me.