View Full Version : Bridger? Duke? Onieda?

Mr. 16 gauge
12-27-2009, 05:34 PM
....can anyone tell me what the difference is between the various trap manufacturers? I'm a bit confused that there is such a price difference between some manufacturers on the same "type" of trap. I figure some are probably better than others, but what should I be looking for?
Thanks in advance.........

Also, is there one method of dyeing traps that is better than another, i.e. logwood crystals, walnut hulls, speed dip, ect?

Again, thanks in advance........

12-29-2009, 08:59 AM
I think you'll find varying opinions on here as to who make the "better" trap. It's probably a matter of personal preference. I have some Duke and Oneida and a friend of mine gave me a 4 coil #2 bridger. It's the only 4 coil I have so it's not a good comparison to the Oneida #2's. The 4coil fires faster of course. The guy that gave me the bridger says that the Oneida's are "weak" but to be honest they've never lost an animal for me. I use 1 1/2's on coons and #2's on fox. I have some 1 1/2 duke long springs (they're 30 or 40 years old and they still catch coons as well...

I do think the proper design for the application is important no matter the trap manufacturer you choose.