View Full Version : coyote eating fawns

12-29-2009, 10:17 AM
I ran into a man in the woods yesterday during Pa BP season. We had seen a ton of yote tracks in the fresh snow and that brought up the subject of yotes vs deer. He said last year he watched 2 coyotes chase a doe x a field when she stopped, dropped 2 fawns and ran off. He went to his house, got his rifle and shot one of the yotes that were there eating the fawns while the other yote got away. I wonder if they knew she was ready to drop them. I guess they have to eat too but to see this happen?
On another note, we seen no deer because they were the smart ones and were holed up out of the blizzard conditions and that it was. Cold/snow and about 30mph wind. We ended up walking to a road and called for a ride rather than fighting the snow/wind in our face to walk home. I did manage to almost hit one with the truck about 1/2 mile from our hunt spot in the AM and seen one standing right under a yellow posted sign on my way home close to my house...who said they can't read. Today we have a fresh blanket of snow with deer tracks right around the house over to the bushes where they eat...what goes on while we sleep and what safer place to be than right under your window...I feed the deer and the turkey and would not shoot them here anyhow...even with their cousins in the freezor, they are safe in the yard. I had taken the xbow out last week and seen about 7 deer and one 10pt buck and all just out of bow range..40yds..now with the BP, not see any to shoot at..is how it works I guess...had 2 walking up to me last week when a mountain biker rode through and off they went...this place is in a park they just opened to bow only a few years ago..so hikers/mtn bikers can be expected but what timing....today is still brrrr but no wind so might brave the cold later on...I need one of those heat exchanger masks (anyone ever use one?) because after the 6 heart attacks and by-pass garbage and all that goes with it, the cold air takes it's toll...that being the beating I get from the wife and kids for being out there..esp since the last attack was when I just got back to the truck from the woods..not sure how made it home but did not make it into the house...so guess they worry but I love the outdoors and hunting and how can ya give it up?...besides, I hate store bought beef...rather get my own speed beef.....at least I know where it came from and what is in it. What a nice day it is out there. Brrrrr

12-30-2009, 08:32 AM
I absolutely believe they know that a deer is close to dropping fawns. A friend of mine who is a beef rancher in Nebraska sees them all the time following his pregnant cows. Also, I've read about the same thing happening with other animal types such as hyenas or cheetah's in africa. It's a shame. The old timers got rid of them from here for a reason, just like the wolves.

01-09-2010, 10:00 PM
I watched just this week three coyotes skulking up on a young calf in a field in broad daylight. I've not doubt they were after the calf. They ran off when I circled my jeep around and pulled up next to the fence. We've got more coyotes than you can shake a stick at here in northern arkansas.

01-10-2010, 08:25 AM
The pa game comm says they do not add coyotes to the woods...even though this is second hand info, the guy said he seen for himself a truck load of coyotes in a truck at a truck stop up north of here..in Pa. Live ones in crates....I believe they do not exchange tkys for coyotes as much as I believe the did not relocate problem bears in the area I bear hunted this year as I was told..the people that live there told me they called the PGC and had them removed about a month prior to open season...I think our PGC forgets who they work for for the most part anyhow...I know they are to regulate/watch over game and are the go-between with hunters/legislators and have to please both..but where do they get their paychecks from? I also asked them why they do not plant any feed in the game lands right over the hill from my house and they answered they do not want to 'feed' deer..that will keep them hanging around..they just want to provide 'cover' for them...guess that explains why deer are not found in game lands but in the urban yards..eating plants...

01-10-2010, 09:35 AM
The pa game comm says they do not add coyotes to the woods...even though this is second hand info, the guy said he seen for himself a truck load of coyotes in a truck at a truck stop up north of here..in Pa. Live ones in crates....I believe they do not exchange tkys for coyotes as much as I believe the did not relocate problem bears in the area I bear hunted this year as I was told..the people that live there told me they called the PGC and had them removed about a month prior to open season...I think our PGC forgets who they work for for the most part anyhow...I know they are to regulate/watch over game and are the go-between with hunters/legislators and have to please both..but where do they get their paychecks from? I also asked them why they do not plant any feed in the game lands right over the hill from my house and they answered they do not want to 'feed' deer..that will keep them hanging around..they just want to provide 'cover' for them...guess that explains why deer are not found in game lands but in the urban yards..eating plants...

Ha!! The best two bucks I've seen in the last ten years was right in my mothers neighborhood right here in russellville. A town of about 25,000 people. I think deer figure out pretty soon urban areas amount to a no fire zone.