View Full Version : Beretta Stampede

Mr. 16 gauge
01-03-2010, 08:42 AM
Can anyone tell me anything about this S.A. Army clone? Looks like a nice gun, but I haven't heard much about them.....kinda hankerin' for a 'cowboy' gun after watching opening credits for "Lancer", "The Big Valley", "Bonanza", "High Chapparal", ect. on Youtube......brings back a lot of memories of my youth, and my Mattel 'fanner fifty"!:D

01-04-2010, 09:02 AM
Actually they are pretty well made guns. I just picked up one at a gun show for a pretty fair price. A really pretty gun Color case on it is great. I have a few other single action clones mostly made by Uberti as is the stampede IIRC Beretta bought them out

Adam Helmer
01-04-2010, 04:27 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Does that revolver have fixed sights? If so, then I hope you find a load that "shoots to the sights."


01-22-2010, 08:34 AM
Adam, that's part of the fun of fixed sights. First civilian LE issue was an S&W Model 10 that would luckily put the old Rem. 158 gr. lead RN one on top of each other at 15s. It really shined at 25 yds with 148 gr FW and 2.4 grs of Red Dot.