View Full Version : Your favorite Lever Action and Caliber

01-09-2010, 09:30 PM
Who's the maker of your favorite lever action and caliber?
I love the Puma/Rossi 92s and my favorite calibers are
44-40 and 45 Colt runs a close second. I also have
a .357 and a 38.40 in the Puma/Rossi. Love all of them.


01-11-2010, 08:50 AM
Older (read no safety) Rossi's in 357/45lc. Marlin's in 357/45lc, and pretty much any model 92, or marlin 30-30 ever made, maybe even the new mossberg I haven't handled on of them yet.


01-11-2010, 11:12 AM
Ruger 96/44. A joy to carrry and shoot. Then there is the older Marlin 336 in thurty thurty.

01-11-2010, 01:11 PM
My current favorite levergun is a Winchester 94 Big Bore in 375 Winchester caliber. Wouldn't do for Cowboy Action shooting, but it works on deer.

02-14-2010, 07:14 AM
I don't really know that I have a favorite. I only have one lever-action centerfire which is a post-'64 Winchester m-94 in .30-30 that I inherited from my dad. It's a good shooter and we've shot several deer with it. If I was buying one, however, it would probably the Marlin in .45 Colt. I'm not into Cowboy Action shooting yet though I may have to give it a try as it seems to popular at my shooting club.

02-14-2010, 02:58 PM
At this time I only have 2.. My favorite is the Marlin 39 in 22. It shoots better than I can.
The other is a pre war(WWI) 94 Win in 30-30...26 in octagon full length mag. Bore isn't perfect but it do shoot pretty good. Friend killed a deer here at home with it last year. And at the auction the other day I got about 120 30 cal gas checked cast boolits. Loaded a few with 8 gr of Unique and they shoot really good out of the ol 94. Wish I had bought the mould the guy used. Gonna try a few out of the 340 Savage..before I sell the ol girl..just for funsies

Dan Morris
02-14-2010, 04:58 PM
Only levers I own are a couple pre64 Winnies....94's in 30-30....don't cowboy shoot
so they are brush guns for mulies.

02-14-2010, 05:45 PM
.35 Rem

6-7 deer and all of them have dropped in their tracks. :D

02-15-2010, 04:13 PM
...My favorite is the Marlin 39 in 22. It shoots better than I can...

IMHO still the best .22 lever-action ever made!

02-16-2010, 08:26 AM
I have a Ted Williams (sears) 30-30 that was given to me. Handles like a dream. Haven't shot it yet because the original owner put so few rounds through it that the inspection proofs (in permanent marker) on two of the internal pieces (that you can see when levering open the gun) are not rubbed off yet. Kinda makes me wanna keep it thataway.


11-25-2018, 09:04 AM
the Marlin 1894 in .44 Magnum is my favorite. Mine has taken many a deer and hog. The only load I have ever used is a Speer Gold Dot 270 grain SP over 21 grains of H110 with Winchester primers.
The rifle/load combination gives me clover leaf groups at 50 yards, and less than 1 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards.
It kills animals grave yard dead.

11-25-2018, 04:10 PM
nice old post to bring back memories........:o

11-25-2018, 07:50 PM
i got a old 336 marlin and my son has taken it over and done a lot of work to it slicked up action its like butter with guid gun scope mounts

12-14-2018, 11:37 PM
Wow..an oldie and a goodie.. For a person not really in love with Lever guns I sure have a few. 3-64 Winchesters 1 30-30 the other 2 are 32 Specials. Marlin 336 in 35 Rem. Marlins in 444 44 mag a 41 mag a 218 Bee and a just acquired 32 H&R mag Also have a family owned 39A. A Cowboy 45-70 is almost fun...but the most fun is a toss-up tween a 2nd year 92 Win rebarrelled to 44 mag and a 94 Win 24 inch bbl'd 357 mag. I also have a 73 Win 38-40 but have only shot 5 rounds out of it. The 357 is the cat's meow. I also have a Winchester 71 in 348 but it is not a lot of fun to shoot and it is very heavy to carry in the mountains. So I guess the 357 is the most shot and used.

02-02-2019, 03:49 PM
Hi Skeet, Its been a while since I have posted , Just thought I would put my 2 cents in here, I have a 336 RC Marlin lever action in 35 Remington that will rip a Ragged hole in paper targets using 158 gr 357 caliber Hornady XTP pistol bullets with the right load of powder. Its a really fun rifle to shoot not much recoil and puts them where you want them! LOL :):D

05-16-2019, 07:05 AM
I have used pistol bullets in the 336 in 35 Rem. I just got another older Marlin in 35.and to be honest I stole it. Paid 150 bucks and got a Lyman peep sight in the box with it. I still have a box(of 50) of older Remington 150 gr 35 kinda pointy bullets for the 35 Remington made to be used in the Remington 141. Probably won't use 'em in the Marlin though. Still like shooting the Win 94 rifle in 357