View Full Version : Latest & greatest?

Mr. 16 gauge
01-12-2010, 05:40 PM
Back in the 80's (that's 1980's), I remember a lot of 'testing' going on....shooting goats with various handgun calibers/bullet weights/styles/ect. I also remember there was a study going on of actual street shootings by an LEO. IIRC, the "gold standard" of "one shot stops" was the .357 magnum using 125 grn JHP bullets.
So what's the latest and greatest? Does this 'combo' still hold up to the scruteny 30 years later? I didn't place all that much faith in some of the testing, due to various methods (I guess they'd be fine if I was attacked by an anesthetized goat;)), but I've done some testing on my own, and that, combined with my experiences in the ICU, O.R., and E.R., have me carrying what I do now.
Haven't read a gun rag in years........what's the latest?

01-13-2010, 08:10 AM
for 357 I prefere a 158gr soft point.


01-13-2010, 11:04 AM
for carry its still the 357/38Spec 125 HP in different versions. For hunting its the 158 gr Soft point.

01-14-2010, 08:06 AM
Now for 38 special I use the Hornady XTP 158gr HPs. I could probably use them for 357 as well, but I just prefere the 158grain softpoints from Magtech in it.


01-14-2010, 11:32 AM
Comparing a Springfield 1903 to a M1 Grand-Yes the Grand is better
Compaing a M1 to a M14. Yep the M14 is better
Comparing a M14 to a M16. Yep a better combat rifle
Comparing a 1911 to a M92. No way.

There is merit to newer is better however some oldies are better.

01-14-2010, 11:59 AM
Comparing a 1911 to a M92. No way.

There is merit to newer is better however some oldies are better.

Amen to the 1911 being better than a 92. ...but the CARTRIDGE is a MUCH better one too! But the 9mm IS better than throwing rocks by at least a little bit.