View Full Version : Let's see some Of Your favorite Knives!!
01-16-2010, 12:05 PM
Hi all,
Let's get this forum back into gear!! How about a few pictures of your favorite knife/knives. Here is one of mine I will elaborate on later. Take care and God bless.....cordell
Mr. 16 gauge
01-16-2010, 03:26 PM
Here are some that I made as black powder/muzzleloading projects.....the top one is made from an old file; the rest are made from old saw blades. The handle on the second from the top is made of oak, and the blackened part was made by playing with Aqua Fortis; the handles on the rest are made from a mule deer antler shed I brought back from Montana. (the Sharpie is just there to give an idea of size):
Here are some Ulus....I got the one with an antler handle (top) as a gift, and it is just a display item in my office; the other two are working knives. The little green folder I got at a cheap souvinier stand in Denali last summer when we were on vacation.....made in China, but it works well and I filleted several duck breasts of the carcasses with this little folder.
My 'favorite' knife that I have had for years is just an inexpensive, fixed blade (about 3") Western that I got at Kmarts back in the mid 70's, when carrying such items wasn't such a political no-no. It has field dressed several deer, a couple of antelope, a couple of wild boar, as well as a truck load of rabbits, squirrels, ducks, pheasant, partridge, and woodcock........not to mention whatever camp chores required 'cuttin';):).....sorry, but I don't have a photo of it.:(
01-17-2010, 08:34 AM
Here is one of my favorites. It's a old PUMA Bowie Knife. I don't use it any more as it's really not that great of hunting knife but, as with all PUMA knives, it's extremely well made.
01-17-2010, 08:43 AM
Here's a couple of shots of a sheath knife my father-in-law liberated from Germany during the war. I don't suppose you could really call it a hunting knife as the blade is not sharpened. It's another PUMA and finely made. Look at the condition of the blade and it had been kept in my father-in-law's barn since the war until I liberated it.
01-17-2010, 04:13 PM
Hello Mr 16 gauge & dovehunter,
Mr. 16 gauge, Nice collection, and good work on the primatives, they certainly look like what I would expect in a possible bag. As far as your Western is concerned they were nice knives, wait until you see what I use!!!
dovehunter, You have two very nice knives there but the 2nd one is indeed a little treasure. What you have there is a German dress bayonet, in darn good condition. Thank goodness it is not sharp because they were "never" sharpened and only used for dress. The fact you still have the sheath and frog makes it even more desireable!! GREAT FIND!!!! Take care and God bless. cordell
01-17-2010, 06:04 PM
Hello all,
I posted a picture of J.M. Wade knife with very little info, and as most people understand "everything" has a story;). I was at a flea market one day when I noticed a fellow showing off a knife. It looked like something I might be interested in so I went over and asked if I could see it. The fellow showed me the knife and IMHO it was a beauty and fit my hand perfectly! I asked him if he would sell it and he said no he had bought it at a show back in 1994 or 95 and he was going to keep it. Well my wife and I walked around the market for another 30 minutes or so and I headed back to the area the fellow had been in and caught him talking to another gentleman. I asked him if I could talk with him for a moment and the other fellow left. I asked him if he had a figure in mind that would persuade him to sell the Wade knife and he thought for a few minutes and said $225.00. I said fine and the knife was mine. I now had to find James Wade, and making a long story short I posted this same picture on and several of the custom knife makers found him in Wade N.C. After some confusion (on my part) I managed to get in touch with James and all I can say is it was a true pleasure talking with him. The knife is numbered and dated 1994 and James informed me I had done very well on my purchase.
The next knife I am going to post is a fixed blade by Ruffin Johnson that again I fell in a bad case of "like" with...........It is his El Lobo Solo and sports a worked back and a wolf on the pommel (pictures of that later). Take care and God bless. cordell
01-18-2010, 08:39 PM
...What you have there is a German dress bayonet, in darn good condition. Thank goodness it is not sharp because they were "never" sharpened and only used for dress. The fact you still have the sheath and frog makes it even more desireable!! GREAT FIND!!!!...
That's what I thought too except there are no provisions anywhere on the knife that would have permitted fitting it to the front of a 98k. If however the dress bayonets were never actually fastened to a rifle, then you may be right. Not to worry about sharpening though, everyone has told me that it would detract from the knife's value if it was sharpened. Besides I have plenty of other working knifes to use instead of this one.
01-19-2010, 05:21 PM
Hi dovehunter,
These never went on a rifle and were never cut for a bayonet lug. These were fireman/police dress baayonets and came in several configurations. Here is another like yours that is a police/firemans dress bayonet and one just ended on GB that was a Puma like yours. Do a little researching on some of the bayonet collectors sites you might be happy with the results. Take care and God bless. cordell
01-20-2010, 11:05 AM
This knife is another one of my favorites, and fits in with my old possible bag and belt! It was made by Mike Broach out of North Carolina's Cooter Forge. Aparently Mike saw a special on T.V. about the Las Cruces masacre back in the early to mid 1800's and wanted to make a knife that would be period and reflect the incident. I might be wrong on this so just go along with the story (until I can find it again???). Aparently there was a priest and 4 alter boys who were masacred by Indians outside of what is now Las Cruces (the crosses). Somehow one of the alter boys lived and buried the others resulting in the 4 crosses. There are several other stories related to Las Cruces but this is close to the story that helped inspire Mike to make this knife. The handle material is smoked curly maple, the hardware is hammered out of a buggy wheel, and the blade is 1095 that has been treated to give that aged look. The sheath was also made by Mike and sports the 4 crosses and gives the name to this knife. OAL is 11" with a 6" blade that will shave you!!! Hope you all enjoy this one as much as I do. Take care and God bless. cordell
09-29-2010, 09:43 AM
Hello all,
It has been a while since my last visit and I have picked up a few knives (and guns) during that time frame. Her is a skinner that I picked up that will/has turned out to be my carry knife of choice for this hunting season. It is a no nonsense skinner that is larger than it looks and fits the hand perfectly! The maker who's name I will post later due to the fact I am having a senior moment has an edge on this knife that will scare you just touching it!!! The last knife I had that had this type of edge was a Scagel and I am still kicking myself for letting that go.........LONG STORY!!!
Hope you enjoy the pic's I will post the makers name later. Take care and God bless...cordell
09-29-2010, 09:53 AM
Forgot the pictures I did say I was having a senior moment!!!!!!!
Schrade Golden Spike is my favorite.
I bought two of the new China-made Golden Spikes for my nephews. Quality of craftsmanship is same as my USA model. Yet pricing is quite affordable at about $29. for a new one.
Schrade knives are KEEPERS!
I use KIWI cordovan polish on the brown leather sheath for a richer and deeper tone.
10-20-2011, 06:16 PM
Hello T.R.
Very nice knife indeed, thanks for sharing. Speaking of sharing I did pick up a nice Randall made model 25 in nice condition. It has never been sharpened but has a few spots on the blade which are slowly disapearing with never dull. I was at a flea market and I saw a fellow in front of me pick up this attractive knife and it dawned on me it was a Randall. The fellow hemed and hawed about the price and then put it down. I picked the knife up and to make a long story short bought it for $65.00. I am told the handle is hippo bone but have not been able to find one yet..............I will keep looking. Take care and God bless...cordell
10-27-2011, 05:37 AM
Still raising the girls on my own, even though my oldest is 21 and in law school if you can believe that. Where in the heck does the time go? Don't know if anyone knew or knows that I build custom high end knives, started over 20 years ago as a side line job. Now it's strictly word of mouth and appt. only. If it were up to the Pi's of Core-bon ammo, they'd buy all of anything i build. lol I still do the custom woodworking and antler art too, still ,even do the custom rifle stock work too, inletting, shaping, finish and checkering to customers liking. So just chip away at everything here and there as I can and my broken self will let me. So I'm more than busier than i want to be. People think I'm making loads of money, but to make high quality costs lots of time and materials. I might get a grand or two for some of my knives, and I'm also lucky after costs to make 6 or 7 bucks an hour, what the hell, it keeps me busy and people seem to really love and appreciate everything i do, so I'll keep doing it, roll with the punches baby! lol Hope everyone is doing great, have a safe and fun weekend!
Troy Jones
Hey, Jonesy, great to hear from you!
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