View Full Version : SHOT Show Shummary

Rocky Raab
01-23-2010, 12:32 PM
Here’s a quickie summary of my SHOT Show observations. I concentrated mostly on reloading, not guns or optics. In no particular order, here we go:

Lyman will offer an economical new lead melter called the “Big Dipper” for about $40 retail. Their all-new 4th edition of the Cast Bullet Manual will be out by summer.

Barnes will offer a 50-gr TSX bullet designed specifically for 1-14” twist at 22-250 speeds.

Winchester will offer a new lead-free rimfire round and a .410 self-defense load that contains three copper “sluglets” plus a charge of large shot.

Hornady has finally perfected their power case trim and prep station. It features power trim, shaving collection, plus power chamfer (inside and outside), primer pocket cleaning, flashhole deburr and more. They will also offer a one-piece powder dispenser and scale with simplified controls; also on tap is an ultrasonic brass/parts/jewelry cleaner with large capacity.

Browning will introduce an X-Bolt Micro Hunter as a well as stainless/carbon fiber versions of the full-size X-Bolt. The A-Bolt will continue in production as well.

ATK/Federal will introduce a lead-free 16-grain 17 HMR round, a Lead-free Short-Range 22 rimfire round at 1600 fps and a TNT Green bullet as loaded ammo only and component bullets to come. Primer production has been increased to help meet demand.

RCBS has packaged a die cleaning kit of aerosols and also offers a chronograph that stores the screens inside the chronograph body for easy transport; retail price about $150.

Alliant confirms their recent announcement of a series of spherical propellants (made at the St Marks facility in Florida) with the Varmint powder due in June. They also will introduce a blackpowder substitute called Black Dot.

Nosler will join the lead-free parade with a copper-matrix core version of their Ballistic Tip. Regular lead-core bullets will continue at full production.

Redding will offer a Versa-Pak reloading kit that will allow customers to pick the press they prefer.

Forster introduced a 3-in-1 cutter head that trims, inside and outside chamfers simultaneously. Their popular Co-Ax press now comes with either short or long handles and has an increased window opening to handle rounds as long as the STW or UltraMag cartridges.

Hodgdon has introduced the cultishly popular IMR8208XBR powder for benchrest and varmint-sized rounds. It is not exactly the same as the long-vanished surplus powders known by that number, but does duplicate its performance with modern powder technology benefits as well.

CVA announced their first-ever centerfire rifles, offering the Scout for small-stature shooters as well as the full-size Apex. Both are single-shot break-action rifles chambered in 243 through 35 Whelen. (Scout in 243 only for now.)

01-23-2010, 01:32 PM
Good job!

01-23-2010, 08:23 PM
Man it's great to hear some news that quick about the Shot Show. Wanted to go but just couldn't git'r'done. Nice to hear that primer production is going to be speeded up . My contacts in the wholesale line are still lagging on primers and some powders.

01-23-2010, 10:59 PM
Interesting! Thanks for the report, Rocky.

Rocky Raab
01-24-2010, 11:29 AM
Federal is the only company that has upped production. And they are doing it only with added personnel. (It takes six months to train a new worker to produce acceptable primers!) The other companies are convinced that the huge upsurge in demand has passed and adding more capacity now would just mean having it go idle and firing people soon.

ALL companies say that the upsurge has passed and that demand is slacking off. Winchester had demand go to 12X normal, and it is now down to "only" 5X normal. They expect that the new normal will be a bit higher due to the many new reloaders, but that their capacity will be plenty.

Winchester also says they have not increased prices since Jan 2008 - so any higher prices are due to middlemen and retail charging what the market will bear. As long as we consumers continue to suck it up and pay, there won't be a drop in prices.

01-24-2010, 11:49 AM
As long as we consumers continue to suck it up and pay, there won't be a drop in prices.

Well said Rocky. And as you say..the middleman is also making hay while the sun shines..in many instances. Personally I feel that many retailers just took advantage of the shortage..and then there were some who just had to hoard stuff. Again.. I also feel that Winchester is probably right..the great need that has been perceived probably isn't really there.

I usually keep 50 thousand or so metallic primers around to sell. Most I charged for them during the crunch was 35 dollars per M for regular primers..and 40 dollars for BR primers. And that was only covering my normal profit margin on them. I saw primers at a gun show selling for 75 bucks a thousand...and their cost was no more than mine. And the guy selling them actually tried to buy mine before the show opened to the public. And he wanted ME to discount my price to him. Sheesh

Rocky Raab
01-26-2010, 02:32 PM
Well, for one thing he knew he wouldn't sell a single cap until you were sold out. And for another, he didn't want anybody to realize that starvation pricing was not the only option. You ruined his day two ways.

At the height of the frenzy, there were guys on one auction site bidding primers up to $125 a thousand. Some sellers weren't charging hazmat (which is a felony if you're caught!) and were (allegedly) just shipping them Priority Mail Flat Rate - also illegal.

01-26-2010, 03:12 PM
Well I guess you are right. It didn't take long to sell out of 80-90 M of primers. I allocatted 1000 per buyer. Just seemed fair.

I heard some were sending primers through the mail but really wasn't sure if I could trust in the internet posts. I'm sure some did it. I sent some shotgun shells back east by UPS but marked 'em ORM-D. At least we can still do that. To send Haz-mat UPS you have to be licensed..according to UPS. And there is a 2 day class that they charge you to take...Seems a little ridiculous..but it is their company.