View Full Version : Ram Line stocks any good?

jon lynn
02-19-2010, 10:20 PM
I acquired another Mauser type action, this one is a VZ 24 Brno action. It will become a .243, about the same as the set up I have at my smiths shop right now.

The current project has a Boyds JRS laminate, nutmeg colored stock. I am considering another JRS made of walnut for this one. But I am also considering a light synthetic stock, don't need much weight for a .243

I read a few reviews over the Fajan stock, they seem dismal at best. And Carbelites from Bell & Carlson are twice the price as a JRS. I am finding a few Ram Line online advertisements for around $100. Before they were more costly, but I do not think Ram Lines are being produced any more.

Is there a such thing as good low priced synthetic?

P.S. Guess who I have to thank for this.....................Hmmmmmmmm:confused:

02-19-2010, 11:56 PM
i have a ramline on my model 700 in 270 i have had no problims

02-20-2010, 08:33 AM
Jon, if you want a 'light' synthetic stock, check carefully to make sure the synthetic actually is lighter. Some are no lighter than a factory wood stock. They might be lighter than a laminated, but not by much.
The fiberglas stocks (rather than injection molded plastic) made by Brown, McMillan, Bansner, etc, are definitely lighter than a factory wood stock, but they are not cheap.

Gil Martin
02-20-2010, 03:27 PM
I have a few guns with synthetic stocks and they are OK. I cannot comment on synthetic stock brands. My preference is for good looking wood. Just the idle thoughts of an idle fellow. All the best...

jon lynn
02-20-2010, 03:45 PM
I am pretty sure I will stick with JRS, unless an Uber offer comes along.

Mr. 16 gauge
02-21-2010, 07:40 AM
I have a ram line on my Swedish mauser sporter......it was a good deal, price wise, and I've had no problems with it. However, she's not the prettiest girl at the dance.........;)

02-21-2010, 06:18 PM
Ramlines are not pretty but they are tough and functional. I have a few, one on a .338 Win. Mag., another on a .308 that happens to be sub MOA. Another is on a Ruger M77 chambered to the .375/338 magnum and it's holding up beautifully.
CHeck out this site. http://www.cdnninvestments.com/ma98laristac.html
I have a couple of those stocks on Mausers and they have a much better feel than the Ramline. They take a bit more work but I much prefer them. I have a bunch of FN Mausers in .30-06 and I'm thinking of ordering a few more of those stocks to use on them. They do not feel as clubby as the Ramlines.
I had to do a bit of altering internally on the ones I have and then glass bedding work but when a box stock J.C. Higgins Model 50 shoots factory ammo into .50 to .75", one cannot gripe about the stock.
But if the Ramline is what you want, go for it. Either one works just fine. I have somewhat small hands so the Butler Creek fits me better and doesn't feel as clubby to me, thus that's my choice.
Paul B.

02-21-2010, 06:25 PM
OOPS!:eek: My bad. :(They say they won't fit military Mausers. BUMMER!
Well. my J.C. Higgins are commercial FN Mausers and the Mark X and Remington 798's are clones of my FN's made by Zastava and I still had to mess with the bedding. Come to think of it, even those Charles Daly's were made by Zastava. I'm thinking if the screw holes in the floorplate match the commercial Mark X type, you might still get away with it. Sorry though as I didn't mean to mislead you.
Paul B.