03-02-2010, 06:33 AM
Went to Billings to dive in the pawn shops. Billings has lots of pawn shops.. We went into at least 15 shops. Unbelievably I found only one gun that I bought...mainly as a parts gun. I mean it was terrible. The gun I bought was an 11-48 12 ga with a vent rib. No cracked stock or forend and the bbl was in good shape. Yje receiver was missing about 50% of the blue. Only paid 90 bucks so I think I did ok on it. Also found an ugly 788 Rem in 6mm Rem. Wanted too much for it but talked 'em down to 300...but my highest offer was no go. They've had the ugly thing for a maybe next time. Only things of note that I bought was an older Bushnell Spacemaster spotting scope with tripod. It was in a new plastic box but it wasn't original to the scope. 15x45 power. It seriously looks new. Probably 25 yrs old. Paid 45 bucks so think it was an ok buy. The best buy of the day for me anyway was a RCBS Rockchucker IV press a 505 RCBS scale and a RCBS powder measure on stand. Paid a bit much but got 4 sets of dies. 2 Lee and 2 RCBS. Left the 270 Short mag dies.. Gonna sell the dies and powder measure scale etc. Really don't need 'em. Paid 150 and all is in as new condition. I think the thing I bought that I like the most was a set of the older RCBS Benchrest dies in the wooden box. In 270 cal. Paid 40 bucks but they really are well made dies. The darn things are like a 125 bucks now and no wooden box. Things are tough out there. The pawn shops had lots of stuff too. Just not what I wanted..