View Full Version : Colt Cobra 2-inch for CCW carry.

Adam Helmer
03-04-2010, 02:01 PM
I have too many projects going on and finally got to test some loads for my Christmas gift from two years ago.

My nickel Colt Cobra two-inch ,with hammer shroud, finally found a load it liked! The Winchester .38 Special 158 grain lead hollowpoint SWC load shoots right to the sights at 25 yards. I have not carried a hammer shround gun since I retired and this little Colt fits very well in a coat pocket. Maybe in Summer, I can find a pocket to keep carrying it. It is that good.


Mr. 16 gauge
03-04-2010, 05:19 PM
Sounds like a great carry gun, Adam....I really like my Colt detective special (similar to the cobra in size). Maybe you can post a photo some day?
Take care..................

Adam Helmer
03-04-2010, 06:41 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I maybe could post photos if this computer did not have too many movin' parts! LOL. Be well.


03-13-2010, 09:47 AM
Nice revolver Adam. Still stick my old Chiefs Special in a vest pocket at times and it's 22 years since I retired.

04-08-2010, 04:18 PM
Sounds like a great carry gun, Adam....I really like my Colt detective special (similar to the cobra in size). Maybe you can post a photo some day?
Take care..................

They're the same size. The only difference is the alumium frame of the Cobra.
I had a Cobra many years ago when I lived in San Francisco. No CCW but I carried it anyway. I had to pass through one of the worst neighborhoods just to get to work and many times I had to go to the projects to do my job which at that time was adjusting color TVs after they'd been delivered.
I used to accompany my Grandmother when she dropped money off from her business . We'd go to the Day & Night branch of bank of America and we're talking 5 figure deposits. Damn city of nuts, flakes and faggots refuse to issue me a CCW permit. To hell with them, I carried anyway, a nice full sized 1911A1 in my waist and the Cobra in an ankle holster.
I snagged a nice deal on an S&W M37 Airweight and an M60 at the last gun show I went to. Guy was asking $475 each and I offered him $800 for the pair and he took it. Maybe I should have started lower. :o That was the first Airweight I've even seen and talk about being light. :eek: I figure it'd take 2 !/2 of those Airweights to equal the weight of the M60. That Airweight is definitely lighter than my old Cobra and really feels like it's a toy. I had heavier cap guns when I was a kid. I've got to get the lead out and get it to the range and shoot it. Don't think I'll shoot many Plus P loads in that gun.
Paul B.