View Full Version : cast bullets & the .380 ACP
Mr. 16 gauge
03-11-2010, 04:47 PM
Does anyone here use the LEE 102 grn RN bullet in their .380 pistols? If so, what are you using for powder/charge weights?
Can't find a .380 bullet to save my life in my neck of the woods, so I figure since I cast for .38 special/9mm/.38 Super/.357 mag, this is the next logical step!:rolleyes:
03-12-2010, 08:20 AM
Mr. 16 gauge if you visit the hodgdon reloading data site they have data for a 100 gr FMJ. If you start with the minimum load data you should be able to work up a decent load safely. At least that is what I try to do with lead loads if I cannot find exact data. Pick a similar grain weight bullet and start with the minimum. The only thing I have ever noticed is that I usually get a few more fps out of the same lead bullet load as I get with the jacketed loads.
03-12-2010, 10:28 AM
Mr. 16 Guage:
You're the first I've ever heard of who wants to reload for the .380. To me it's kind of like the .25 ACP. However, that notwithstanding, I've always done the same thing GoodOlBoy does: start with loading data for jacketed bullets and carefully work my way up. Never had any problems so far.
Rocky Raab
03-12-2010, 11:00 AM
I shoot quite a bit of lead in my Makarov. It works just fine. The Lee mold for the 380 is reported to be completely adequate.
You'll need to use an alloy at least as hard as wheelweights in a semi-auto. I've had no trouble whatever using Lee Liquid Alox as bullet lube. Lyman doesn't list loads for that bullet, but they do have loads for a 90 and a 120-grain. Data for the 120 ought to be safe with a 102. They give max loads of: 2.1 Bullseye, 2.1 RedDot, 3.2 W231 and 2.8 Unique, among other powders. They liked W231 best for both bullets mentioned, and I like it in the Mak as well.
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