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View Full Version : Warning on Dog food Bags

03-26-2010, 01:36 PM
The new Purina dog food bags have string like plastic fabracation and if your dog eats it you are in for big problems. The dogs guts get impacted with this junk and it may die.
A friend of mine just lost one of his English Setters and the mother of my pup to just such an incident. Incompetant Vets didn't help either and it was too late when a good Vet found the problem.
I plan on sending an email to Purina on this issue also and maybe take it further then that.

03-27-2010, 07:30 AM
I guess my question would be. Why do you leave the bag where the dog can get it? All of my dog food is dumped in a tote and the bags thrown out.

03-27-2010, 10:57 PM
The new Purina dog food bags have string like plastic fabracation and if your dog eats it you are in for big problems. The dogs guts get impacted with this junk and it may die.
A friend of mine just lost one of his English Setters and the mother of my pup to just such an incident. Incompetant Vets didn't help either and it was too late when a good Vet found the problem.
I plan on sending an email to Purina on this issue also and maybe take it further then that.

That sucks. While there is the issue about leaving the bag where the dog can get it, I believe it is completely foreseeable that dogs will get into dog food bags and the company should have known better. Kind of like the requirement for warning labels on lawnmowers that tell people to keep their hands and feet away from the bottom of the mover and that serious bodily injury can result if they fail to do so.

I'm sure we all know about dogs getting into food, especially a dog food bag. I leave my empty dog food bags in the garage to dump my papers shreddings in for recycling. Nitro smells them whenever he is in the garage and I am pretty sure that the only reason he doesn't get into them is because I am present at the time.

Nulle, I am sorry to hear about the passing of your pup's mother. Now, go give Purina a piece of your mind and then some.

Mr. 16 gauge
03-28-2010, 11:31 AM
While there is the issue about leaving the bag where the dog can get it, I believe it is completely foreseeable that dogs will get into dog food bags and the company should have known better.

Getting into the food bags, sure......eating them is another thing altogether! I used to work for a veterinarian and have seen dogs eat all manner of crap and had it pass through without incident, including things that should have caused a great deal of damage (fish hooks, safety pins, nails, straight pins, needles, ect). I have also seen dogs eat things that should have passed through and didn't, such as throw rugs and sponges. I suspect that there is something more to this than just eating the strings from the bag.

Kind of like the requirement for warning labels on lawnmowers that tell people to keep their hands and feet away from the bottom of the mover and that serious bodily injury can result if they fail to do so.

Ah, yes.....we pay because stupid people are STUPID!!! Another item that the tea parties should address! You can bet if there is a warning label on something telling you not to do a specific thing (such as drying off your pet in the micro wave), it's there because some STUPID moron did exactly that! Sorry, but it drives me nuts.....

Sorry to hear of the loss of the pup..........:(

04-01-2010, 08:33 AM
Granted the owner was stupid in leaving this stuff laying around and it is hard to say if the regular old bags would have done the same thing but the vets in Denver didn't think so. Purina like other pet suppliers preach safe pet products ect. and as such need to be aware of this problem.

04-01-2010, 12:00 PM
My dog will start going through the trash barrel by my lathe if he feels he isn't being fed enough. He leaves it alone if he is not hungry. I use a dog food that comes in a bag with the nylon thread talked about and I am sure it is there because the bags don't tear readily and scatter dog food all over the place. I store the bags and food where the dog can't get to them or he might try to eat a whole bag at one setting. Sometimes dogs can do stupid things. We should be intelligent enough to anticipate them.

04-01-2010, 11:25 PM
My dog will start going through the trash barrel by my lathe if he feels he isn't being fed enough. He leaves it alone if he is not hungry. I use a dog food that comes in a bag with the nylon thread talked about and I am sure it is there because the bags don't tear readily and scatter dog food all over the place. I store the bags and food where the dog can't get to them or he might try to eat a whole bag at one setting. Sometimes dogs can do stupid things. We should be intelligent enough to anticipate them.

The food manufacturers should be intelligent enough to anticipate them too because we know the general population is full of people that aren't quite so intelligent. Hence, the need for the warning on lawn mower decks that it is dangerous to put your feet or hands under the deck while the mower is running.

Mr. 16 gauge
04-02-2010, 06:36 AM
we know the general population is full of people that aren't quite so intelligent.

It's alright, Fabs......you can call 'em what they are....STUPID PEOPLE!

....and don't forget the roll alcohol plays in this! The two most common phrases heard before a trip to the emergency room?

1.) "Hold my beer and watch this!"

2.) "Trust me.....I know what I'm doing!"

04-02-2010, 09:44 AM
It's alright, Fabs......you can call 'em what they are....STUPID PEOPLE!

....and don't forget the roll alcohol plays in this! The two most common phrases heard before a trip to the emergency room?

1.) "Hold my beer and watch this!"

2.) "Trust me.....I know what I'm doing!"

That was worth a good laugh this morning.

If you think alcohol plays a roll in visits to the ER, it also plays a roll on visits to the Courtroom. Whenever I am in Court for minor criminal stuff, it seems like 50% or more revolves around alcohol being involved. Sometimes, I wonder about whether they had it right with prohibition. Then, I wonder if we should legalize drugs and make the drug trade a lot less dangerous/lucrative.

Hey now, we don't have stupid kids or stupid people anymore. Isn't that called ADD now and don't they have a drug for it?

04-02-2010, 10:51 AM
fabsroman, Can you imagine a warning on a pencil that says something like "Warning, Poking this sharp instrument in your eye may cause bliindness"? Some people would try it to find out.There are warnings on too many things. I believe in natural selection, and the theory that the really stupid will be removed.
Drugs and alcohol ! I enjoy a little Glen on the rocks after dinner but don 't see any need for grass or anything harder. We always talked to my kids about those things and fortunately it worked and I don't think my kids or my grandkids ever got into the drug scene. They feel people that do those things are looking for trouble; legal and otherwise.

Mr. 16 gauge
04-02-2010, 12:34 PM
Whenever I am in Court for minor criminal stuff, it seems like 50% or more revolves around alcohol being involved.

I would imagine that it would be higher than that, but I believe that the national statistic for drowning cases, 50% are considered to be alcohol related.

Reminds me of the time I was working in the ER in the early 80's...the hospital I worked at was a big hand center, and one day this guy came in with half his fingers (all 4 fingers) missing on one hand and everything but his thumb missing on the other. Turns out he and a buddy were drinking and decided to trim the hedge, but it wasn't going fast enough for them, so one of them had the bright idea that they were take the lawn mower and fire it up, then lift it up by the wheels with one of them on each side, then walk it down the hedge. They didn't get too far when the one ended up pushing it over on his buddy, and you can guess the rest. I remember the surgeon asking him why he did that, and his reply was (after he had sobered up a while) "It seemed like a good idea at the time". Now you know why they put the little handle bars on lawn mowers that will cut the engine unless depressed.

I believe in natural selection, and the theory that the really stupid will be removed.

Naw....not in America; they are protected (probably as an endangered species) by the federal government.

04-04-2010, 08:45 PM
I don't know if it applies to stupid people, but my uncle says the Democrats don't view illegal aliens as illegal aliens... they're unregistered Democrats.

04-10-2010, 10:49 AM
I saw one site that had a seperate section for political crap and the rest of the sections you left it out of. Not a bad idea in my book as I am really getting tired of the crying junk from both sides of the fence. I joined this site years back for the hunting information not the Republicans do it best junk or Democrats are the world protectors of the enviorment junk.

04-10-2010, 10:54 AM
I saw one site that had a seperate section for political crap and the rest of the sections you left it out of. Not a bad idea in my book as I am really getting tired of the crying junk from both sides of the fence. I joined this site years back for the hunting information not the Republicans do it best junk or Democrats are the world protectors of the enviorment junk.

Yeah, things are getting heated in politics right now with the passing of the health care bill. This too will come to pass. Other boards have "Politics Only" forums for this kind of stuff, but this one doesn't. For the most part, it has been left in AAG.