View Full Version : hand lubing a small batch of bullets

03-29-2010, 09:28 AM
I have a small batch (read less than 100) of bullets I bought off of a store shelf awhile back. They are Speer Idaho Territory bullets (Which are supposedly dry lubed). They are .454 230gr bullets that I am thinking about dropping into a few 45lc cases with some trail boss behind them just for bunkums. The thing is that everybody and their dog handled this open box of bullets (which numbers in the 90s instead of the 100 count on the box) over the years and some of them are dry as old sandpaper. What would be a good lube to just lube them with and fill in the lube groove by hand? IE I don't have a lube/sizer and am not all that interested in having one at this point (Later yes but not right now)


03-29-2010, 09:30 AM

These are what I have although mine were in a 100 count box, not a 500 count. 100 count boxes were discontinued long long ago.

Anyway thanks for any info.


Adam Helmer
03-29-2010, 10:46 AM

I suggest you buy a stick of Aalox lube for about $4 and hand lube your bullets. An alternate plan would be to stand the bullets, base down, in an aluminum pie plate and pour melted Aalox into the pan over the bullets. When the lube cools, use a slightly oversize case like a fired .45/70 case with the case head sawed off as a "cookie cutter" to get your bullets out of the lube. Hope this helps.


Mr. 16 gauge
03-29-2010, 11:06 AM
LEE has a liquid alox lube that you can apply and it supposedly swish around in a pan....let it dry and your set to go.

You can find it at www.leeprecision.com

Good luck............

03-29-2010, 10:15 PM
Lee Alox should work fine,thin it down with about 1 oz. of mineral spirits to the 4 oz. bottle of Alox warm it up so its nice and runny shake well and apply the Alox in a Z shape motion over the bullets in an old bowl tumble well and dump on wax paper to dry overnight.

Rocky Raab
04-03-2010, 02:34 PM
Lee Liquid Alox is so good that's about all I use on my cast bullets, but almost as good is plain Johnson's Paste Wax. You melt a little JPW (spoonful) and drip it over your bullets in a plastic bag. Knead the package until all the bullets are wet, and then spread them out on waxed paper until they are dry. Not just cooled, but DRY. A day or so. Done.

04-03-2010, 05:37 PM
JPW and Alox are also good mixed together,I cooked the JPW down till most of the solvents is gone them mix an equal amount of Alox with it. Then you can either ranch dip,tumble lube or paint it on your cast bullets,which ever one suits your purpose.

This is the method I started using for all my TL bullets,I ranch dip my traditional grease groove bullets before I run them through the Lee sizer and it fills the grooves nicely.


04-06-2010, 08:32 AM
Thanks guys, gives me a good bit to try. I will let you know how they come out.
