View Full Version : Price check benelli super black eagle 1

03-29-2010, 09:26 PM
Help. I've just inherited a benelli super black eagle 1. It's in 98% condition. My stepfather used it for duck hunting. Just what is this thing worth? I would appreciate any advice on this shotgun as I'm clueless on shotguns.

03-30-2010, 12:33 AM
In really nice condition like that you've got yourself close to a 1000 dollar shotgun... I've had SBE 1s and 2s and for all intents and purposes for the average hunter there really is no diff, Just little things so they could sell more guns. Actually pretty reliable and one of the best for what your stepfather used it for..good for upland hunting too Good for you...

03-31-2010, 12:30 AM
I bought mine new 12 years ago for $1,050 before tax. A friend bought a slightly used one a couple years later for $800, but the retail price on them had already hit $1,200 by then. He got a great deal.

By the way, I love the gun and do most of my shotgun hunting with it.