View Full Version : Carry Permit Indian RES.

04-02-2010, 10:40 PM
Just got my carry permit. Among other things no carry on Indian Res. I wonder how far you could drive in the country without going through a reservation? Put in trunk and drive down the road 10 miles and get it back out??

Adam Helmer
04-03-2010, 09:08 AM

I would suggest you abide by the CCW rules that should have come with your permit. In some states CCW is not legal in bars, or even churches.


Dan Morris
04-03-2010, 04:46 PM
When I worked between 2 reservations, they were a separate country...own laws, own PD. Personally, I'd respect that!

04-06-2010, 12:43 PM
Talk to the folks on the Res. Most likely there is a permit you can get, or get written permission, etc.


04-08-2010, 04:05 PM
You don't want to mess with reservation police. Firearms ae for the most part a no no with some exceptions like you've paid the Apaches $25K+ to hunt a bull elk on their land.
When I was still working, we had weather gear on the White mountain Apache reservation. When we had to service that stuff, we had to call and get permission, and then be escorted by some very damned unfriendly Indian police.(IP) Those Apaches are still fighting the war believe me. My house is within a half mile from the Tohono Ohodam Indian Reservation and their IP are about as friendly as a rabid dog. They used to be called Papago Indians but they didn't like that name that the Spaniards gave them which meant "bean eaters". Guess I can't blame them much for that one. I try to stay of any reservation unless it is absolutely necessary to pass through like if I draw area 1 to hunt elk, I have to go through the Apache reservation to get there.
Paul B.