View Full Version : I'll be heaven this weekend

04-15-2010, 12:23 PM
The bride and I are going away for a long weekend this weekend. When you get to our age there ain't much romance anymore. Its all used up.

Anyway "being allowed" to spend an afternoon in Cabelas's in Scarborough, ME. Been there before and it really a nice toy store. Then Sunday "being allowed" to spend some time in Kittery Trading Post which is another Bass Pro or Cabelas tpe store. Life can get no better.

04-15-2010, 02:21 PM
I dunno about it being "heaven". You didn't says she was gonna let you buy anything and to me that would be the other direction. . . . . :D


04-15-2010, 03:34 PM
I'l manage to get a few goodies I'm sure. The sad thing is all I really need is a spare string loop for my new bow other wise I'm all set for the season.

Then again there is that pair of uninsulated books I've been drooling over. Do I need them? Heck no.