View Full Version : Nighttime dog walking in BEAR Country!

Adam Helmer
04-23-2010, 05:57 PM
Spring is here and so are the black bears. Three nights ago the bear (s) took down my front yard bird feeder under the yard light. My 50-pound dog wanted to go outdoors, but the birdfeeder was down on the ground. I hitched up her leash and we went outdoors. I had a .45 M1911 in my robe pocket and had a dog leash and flashlignt in the hands.

It occured to me that the chamber empty M1911 was not the best choice in case of bear conflict in my yard. Let us review: I would have needed to control a dog on a leash, rack the slide, hold the light and repel the Bruin, if hostile.

I now take my dog, on a leash, out for bidness at midnight with a .41 Ruger SA Magnum, loaded right,into the front yard. I have no Bruin hostility, but with the SA, either hand can bring a favorite "Cannon" to bear at close range in gravest extreme.


Dan Morris
04-23-2010, 08:25 PM
Also, early morning walking/jogging......shoulder holster and a 357....I have more foothills cats than bears! Colorado being a open carry state, sometimes under a jacket in warmer weather, open.

04-24-2010, 05:58 PM
When I hike in bear or lion country (have both here) I usually take a 4 5/8 Ruger .44 mag. Blackhawk or a 5 1/2" Ruger Bisley, both loaded with stiff 250/255 gr. hard cast Keith style semi-wadcutters. maybe one of these days I'll come across an S&W Mountain gun in .44 mag. I think I'd like the lighter weight. :cool: I'd want one early enough that is didn't have that stupid lock system. :p
Paul B.

04-26-2010, 04:14 PM
We do have bear in Assachusetts but not many. They are creeping east. We have more problems with coyotes harassing folks. I alway carry when I'm in the woods. Usually a 22 is fine.

04-26-2010, 06:40 PM
Though i would have to say i would carry a gun i have read many reports of pepper spray actually working better then a gun.
Another thing you can do is put a bell on the dog it is what a guy i no does with his hard head setter that has got into a couple scrapes with bears when bird hunting.
I have also read you want pepper spray not mace.