View Full Version : I have felt a disturbance in the force!

jon lynn
04-23-2010, 10:00 PM
:mad:I just found a Dark Lord Sith!

I have felt a disturbance in the force! I have discovered a new enemy. The VPC!

Maybe these clowns have been around for a while. But I was searching Google for some sections of John Plaser’s Ulltimate Sniper, for some old M16A1 info. But a whole bunch of….sh…..er…’crap’ came up.

It was written by the fine cowardly folks of the Violence Policy Center (dot org). Never heard of them before today.

What a bunch of crap! I mean I thought politicians could twist words, and give stuff out of context. But this crew put a twist that Bush or Obama could never manage, for any reason. And this is not even scratching the surface of the FIFTY-SIX PAGES of dribble. Every fact distorted to give a false meaning.

It is clear, the gun industry stands ready to arm and train anyone with the fantasy of being a real life sniper.with an extremely powerful weapon, the sniper rifle uses high-caliber ammunition at extraordinarily long ranges.

Sold over the counter at an American gun
shop, the same destruction could be turned on Americans at home.

To be sure, the casual use of the word “sniper” to refer to a gun does not
make it a sniper rifle. However, the studied avoidance of the word “sniper” in
reference to a purpose-designed or purpose-built sniper rifle does not make it
something different.

Many foreign sniper rifles cannot be imported into the US if they carry the word
“sniper” in their nomenclature and have to be renamed “target,” “longrange,” “precision varmint with sniper accuracy,” “marksman,” “sharpshooter,” etc.

With out a good, school trained actual sniper behind it, the rifle is just a rifle. It does not become a sniper-rifle until the sniper is behind it. Or am I wrong?

Man am I ANGRY!

04-24-2010, 05:46 AM
What a load of BS. I've been shooting since I was old enough to hold my Grandpa's old .357 and can shoot pretty decent at normal hunting ranges (out to 300 yds or so); put a sniper rifle in my hands and i might be able to take it out to about 500 or so. Like Jon said, a sniper rifle doesn't make a sniper, it takes a lot of training and practice. I used to dismiss crap like that but if these dumbass' ever get a real following we may be in trouble

04-24-2010, 12:10 PM
All of the training that goes into becoming a Sniper is what makes the rifle do what it does. The military sniper rifle or long range marksman weapon is designed and built to shoot 1/2 minute of angle at 1,000 yards.

The fact that properly build weapons will shoot alot tighter than that is with not a question. The standard of the military is to be able to shoot 1/2 minute of angle at 1,000 yards or 1,100 meters these days I think.

Shooting is a large part of becoming a certified Sniper but only part.

No one who is a shooter would believe that load of crap.


04-24-2010, 12:27 PM
Sometimes it seems like the VPC is not worthy of a response, but they may get to people that don't know better. It is necessary to keep explaining their lies in forums that non-shooters may see the truth. Like it has been said so many times, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty".

04-24-2010, 05:49 PM
The VPC is nothing more than the Brady Bunch's new name. :eek: I'm surprised nobody noticed that. Buffons all. :D
Paul B.

04-25-2010, 12:39 PM
PJgunner, All of the anti-gun people drink from the same dish of swill. Everytime a group looses all respect they re-emerge under a new name.
You want to contact your federal representatives (senators) to vote against Senate bill S843. It is the anti-gunshow bill sponsored by the "gang of five" and introduced by Senator Lautenberg. They want to kill all sales except through FFLs.

04-25-2010, 07:11 PM
Yep, they have operated under this name for awhile now.
They put this drivel out to influence the masses who know nothing about firearms and their use, and so are ridiculously easy to con into supporting the antigun agenda.
They push the ideas that ANY rifle with a scope and more powerful than a .22Hornet is a 'super long range powerful SNIPER rifle!' And that any rifle with a detachable magazine is a super fast shooting monstrous weapon of mass destruction that can jump up and start "spraying bullets like a hose!"
These people DO NOT deal in facts, only in fomenting wild disinformation to affect the public's emotions. Make them fear the GUN, not the criminal using it. Guns are easier targets to make legislation against than are criminals......

Ol` Joe
04-25-2010, 09:09 PM
The problem with this type of Bull is people tend to believe it.
Look at all the "Big Bertha" golf clubs sold to people thinking they could drive a ball 300 yds like a pro if they had one or that Harley riders are all bad a**ed "Outlaws" because of the bike.
Better yet, look at the people that fell for Obama and his promises
No one takes the time to think things out today, and they believe any BS line fed them.