View Full Version : Powder lasts, cans do not

04-24-2010, 08:12 PM
I haven't loaded any shells in years, thought I would use around 100 empty .243 cases for practice before a WY antelope hunt this fall. I opened the can of powder last opened in around 1985. I guess my storage area in the basement closet leaves something to be desired. http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh410/fishdoggydog2001/Powder.jpg

04-25-2010, 12:22 AM
I've seen that before. I also had a can of 4831 that had rust in it. Gave it to a friend who went ahead and tried it in of all things a 243. Said he just blew as much out as possible by blowing on it. When he ran a few over the chrono the speeds were in right area and his accuracy was as he said a little better than normal. I was just given an 8 lb 4350 and a couple pounds of 4320 all unopened. The 4350 is dated 1978 I think. Hope its ok cause I just got a nice 25-06 and a beautiful 722 in 257 Roberts. Good powder for both. I also have a couple pounds of WWII surplus 4831 I got from Hodgdon in 1965.. It's still good and I also have some HiVel #2 from a can dated 1939..shoots just fine