View Full Version : Pics from recent safari
04-28-2010, 03:22 PM
Won't be long and my feet will land on African soil once again. I admit, it's infectious. Once you go, part of you will never leave. The longing to return is stronger than the lure of any alcohol or drug. It gets in your blood and stays...only getting stronger with fermentation. I shall relish the thought until my eyes are taking it all in again....
Until then, cheers my fellow sports!
06-11-2010, 06:11 PM
had to postpone due to the catastrophic flood middle TN experienced in early May. Rescheduled for later this summer
10-15-2010, 11:14 AM
Follow up to this years hunt in the Eastern Cape, which remains one of my favorite places to enjoy great hunting and at an affordable price. Took 3 clients with me; two hunting, one Observer (artist). We had an exceptional 10 day hunt with the two guys taking 20 trophies between them. I hunted very hard for a specific Waterbuck (found him the last day but he eluded us..barely) and a Blue Wildebeest that we never found. He'd been seen occasionally but disappeared during my hunt. Below are some pics of the trophies I was fortunate to take: very large male Baboon, 30" (spread) Blue Wildebeest, Red Hartebeest, Warthog & 30" Waterbuck. With the exception of the Baboon (which I used the .223 pushing 60 grain Nosler Partitions) I took the remainder of my trophies with the .280 using 160 gr Nosler Accubonds or 165 gr Remington Core Lokts. My clients took Kudu, Black & Blue Wildebeest, Blesbok, Springbok, Impala, Warthog, Duiker, Zebra, Gemsbok, Mt Reedbuck, Red Hartebeest, & Caracal Lynx. I did some varmint hunting and had a great run on Porcupine's and Spring Hare's. On the last day, I stayed in the bush, trying to find those two elusive bulls I had hunted all week while the guys went to Addo Elephant park. They all reeled at the size of an African Elephant...which managed to come within 5 feet of the cruiser. All in all we enjoyed another great hunt with some fine friends.
10-15-2010, 11:37 AM
Excellent pics.. I am really wanting to go in 2 maybe 3yrs. Now I just to find someone to go with me...
Mr. 16 gauge
10-15-2010, 12:43 PM
I like the red hartebeest, wildebeast, and waterbuck.....don't know if I could shoot a baboon; looks to much like my mother-in-law!
10-15-2010, 02:06 PM
toxic111: There's some good deals for two hunters to be had. Several package hunts that include 5-8 animals from $3,900-$5,900 on 7-10 day hunts all inclusive minus your airfare and gratuities if you feel like tipping your PH/Staff.
LOL Mr. 16 gauge, that's funny!
10-15-2010, 02:34 PM
oh I know there are deals to be had.. that is why I am planning on going... the hard part is finding a hunting buddy that wants & can afford to go with me
10-19-2010, 06:13 PM
Partner's usually show up when you least expect it. However, I've been several times alone. The trip over is usually with other like minded hunters (some TV personalities) and it's no problem finding someone to talk hunting if your so inclined. Many take a sleeping pill and...zzzzz the entire flight. Once your on the ground, you and your PH are off hunting and it's non stop excitement. Gun or archery, it's an outstanding experience.
10-19-2010, 08:55 PM
yeah my first trip will be a rifle hunt (I hope to get a .300H&H for it) Then if I ever can afford to go again it will be a bow trip..
10-23-2010, 12:52 AM
More pics from one of my clients who joined us. Will try to get more soon.
10-23-2010, 12:55 AM
more pics from the Eastern Cape. Choice of rifle was Remington 700 in 7 mag. 150 grain Core Lokts. Gray Ghost Safaris
10-23-2010, 12:56 AM
Last pic of Jim's trophies.
12-22-2010, 09:42 PM
toxic 111,
I know this is a late post, but I haven't been to this forum for a couple months. If you can't find anybody to go with you, I would definitely consider going alone. I went by myself and had a great time. Other than the long plane trip, you won't miss having a partner. Unless you did a 2x1 trip and hunted together every day, you wouldn't be spending much time with your partner other than at camp. I stayed at different camps while I was there and between other hunters and the PH's I had the time of my life. I have no regrets at all and would go alone again. This is too great a trip to not go simply because you cannot find a partner. As hard as this may sound, alot of guys take their non-hunting wives along. They all seem to love the trip and she can take some good video of your hunts. Just something to consider.
05-05-2011, 11:04 PM
All skins, hides are back from the tannery and at the Taxidermist. Took just over 3 months to have everything here in the States, clear Customs and arrive at the tannery. Now the fun part of how to mount each trophy. For me, I've taken all the above before, so only the Waterbuck will become a shoulder mount. The Wildebeest and Hartebeest will be tanned flat skins; skulls for everything else, although I did tan the Warthog. I may decide to mount him too.
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