View Full Version : FINALLY! 30-30 trailboss reloads

04-29-2010, 02:24 PM
So I finally get my stuff from midway Tuesday. Wednesday was my 12th wedding Anniversary so it was late in the day Wed when my wife had had enough of shopping with me, eating with me, etc and said I could go play. I loaded up 5 rounds of 170 grain laser cast with 2.2cc of trailboss in my lee classic loaders, and 5 rounds of 170 grain laser cast with 2.5cc of trailboss.

One big issue I had was static seemed to be a problem while I was loading. not enough that I was sparking but enough that those little smokeless powder doughnuts were jumpin like mexican jumping beans. I washed my hands, ran cold water and dried everything that was plastic that was being used and still. . . . . sheesh. The other issue was that the lees classic loaders do NOT like lead (particularly if it doesnt have a beveled base). It shaved a sliver of lead of of each bullet I loaded. I will be buying a lee universal expanding die, and probably a crimp die (since the classic loader doesn't crimp AT ALL), but other than that I am happy as a lark with performance.

see the pictures attached. The first should be the 2.2cc load on a 1x4 target out back of my house. Had about a 3 inch overall group from 25 yards or so, and had two almost touching (I blew chunks of wood off of this one). The second was 2.5cc of trailboss and shrunk considerably to about an inch and a quarter wide and 2 and a half or so tall. One pair touching, one pair almost touching.

This was shot from a old marlin 336 30-30 with microgroove rifling. I was standing without the gun braced on anything but me and with factory iron sights. all rounds were loaded with cci large rifle primers, remington peters brass, and 170grain lasercast lead bulelts (no gas checks)


04-29-2010, 03:59 PM
Next time I get a chance to load and shoot I am probably going to bump it just a bit more. I am only filling about 85% case capacity at this time, and recoil and report on it is mild to say the least.

I look back at those boards and grin. Not bad for running outside in a pair of work out shorts and sandals and tearing off 10 brand new reloads, particularly since I was nervous as heck and hadn't shot in awhile.


04-30-2010, 10:34 AM
And then reading around for what other shooters have done about the crimp I come across an article that mentions if you flip the die over and tap the other end of the die with it on the round it will crimp. . . . . . well darned if I don't hafta try THAT one.


04-30-2010, 11:16 AM
The thing that your learning is that loading is almost as much fun as shooting.

I told you that nothing beats the fact that you can create your own cartridges from a few components and all of a sudden with a little trial and error in the quantity of powder and mixing and matching of the other components you have an accurate and reliable load that will do the job.

Well good for you, thanks for sending me the pictures over the phone. You did well Grasshopper.

Good for you

04-30-2010, 01:56 PM
Thanks Dad. I talked with Lee Percision and indeed you can crimp the rounds with that method, for some reason they just don't publish it. They say that it will in no way harm the brass or the die to do so, and on pistol calibers it actually is cut so that you wind up with a decent roll crimp.

Also I spoke with them about a 30-30 flaring tool, and they said it was a piece they used to make, but don't anymore. However they will custom build me one for $8. . . . . Yeah thats right $8! Uhm yeah I will be calling them Monday and getting that one ordered as well.


05-01-2010, 08:20 AM
I've got to say 30-30s are great rifles, love to load for them and shoot them. I also shoot a deer once in awhile with my foavorite a Savage 219 with a 26" barrel. Also have an old Marlin model 1936, and a H&R combo 30-30 barrel and a 20 ga. barrel. The last is a great truck gun. Gonna have to get some of those Laser Cast bullets, thanks for the info.

05-03-2010, 04:50 PM
np popplecop. I am still testing loads, and like I said I am going to step up to the next cc dipper and see what I get. The real beauty of using trailboss powder (from what I have read from the company) is that you can load a case to capacity, and even compress a charge and you still don't get overpreassure out of it. If I am moving even close to charted velocities these 170 grain 30-30 rounds are moving just over 1100 fps out the muzzle. I know it is certainly fun to plink with.


05-05-2010, 04:54 AM
It would be interesting to run those loads through a chrony to see how well they are stepping out!

Just before last hunting season, I was trying Hornady's new 160 grain FTX soft polymer-tipped bullets for my Marlin .30-30. Used three different powders, and each did well - I settled on Ramshot TAC as my preferred powder.

I haven't loaded cast bullets yet for it - gotta "get 'er done!" :)