View Full Version : A Survival Handgun?

Adam Helmer
05-08-2010, 06:32 PM
Last Thursday morning a group of us old guys (Tioga Militia) had our weekly meeting at the local gun shop. We gather at the rear of the shop around the coffee pot and a box of dounts. A middle-age fellow approached us and asked, "What is the best survival handgun for me?"

The "Tioga Militia" went to a 60-second huddle and then responded after it was ascertained from the questioner his level of handgun expertise:

1. A revolver is ok. If two, or more, are obtainable make #1 a .22 caliber DA and #2 a .357 Magnum, or larger.

2. If semi-autos are preferred, get a good .22 caliber like the Ruger Mark I or Mark II and a 9mm or 40 S&W Glock, or equivilent.

3. Obtain at least 4 spare mags for the semis and same speed loaders for the .357.

4. Stock up at least 4 bricks of .22 caliber hollow points and 500 rounds for the centerfire handguns.

5. Shoot all Survival guns often at the range and reload for the centerfires.

What did we miss?


Mr. 16 gauge
05-08-2010, 08:43 PM
What did we miss?

1.) adjustable sights on the rimfire......you may have 4 bricks now, but if you are using it to make meat, you make go through that in a hurry......if you come across another "brick" via barter or trade, it may not shoot to the same point of aim. Better to fire off a few rounds and adjust the sights.

2.) make sure said centerfire will fire with HP ammo.....quite a bit more prevent today than ball (and a better 'stopper' in most cases).

3.) spare parts kit for both, if possible. Also, make sure that the spare mags WORK, esp. if they are aftermarket.

4.) cleaning rods/supplies for both.

Adam Helmer
05-09-2010, 06:48 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Excellent points that I will take to the next Thursday's Militia Meeting. I will report back here.

We DID cover cleaning kits and spare parts kits not included in my initial post. Anyone with guns needs cleaning gear and spare parts for arms on establishment; especialy folks in Survival Mode.

We need to clearly think all about this Survival Stuff.



08-27-2010, 05:16 PM
What type of event are you planning to survive? And for how long?

If a man-made or natural disaster wiped out all electric power in the USA, More than 90%of the population would die with the next several weeks. No gasoline, no refrigeration, no food or medicine distribution, no communication, no hospitals, cholera outbreaks from all the unburied corpses, polutted water, etc.

If it ever got that bad, very few of us would survive, no matter what firearms we owned. A few farmers might make it on their own, for a while, if they are not diabetic, not on heart medicine, have a pond, have a fireplace and hand saw or axe, etc. Even then, eventually you run out of critical supplies like ammo.

I'm not sure I want to live under those circumstances.

Horrible thoughts!

Gold 40

08-27-2010, 08:35 PM
Adam, if I wanted a sidearm to live off the land, I'd probably take my pre Model 27 S&W in .357, has a 5" barrel and can take the stoutest of .357 loads. Can use .38 sp wcs for small game too. Ammo is lighter than the big brothers and I'm confident with it, should be I bought used in 1961 or 62. Another advantage I was a factory trained S&W Armourer. If talking defensive situations against 2 legged varmits, I'd fall back on one of my 1911s. Still prefer one of my shotguns over anything else for survial.

08-27-2010, 09:19 PM
PC has it right on the handgun. I have a couple Highway Patrolmen.one 4 one 6..made first year..both of 'em. I wouldn't run outta ammo..or food. medicines might be a bad thing..but one thing for sure..I do know how to live without the amenities and have done so. What I would worry about more than other things is the remnants of "society" coming out of the cities ..especially in the east and west coast areas. They will be organized and will come for what you have and have no doubt...they will be organized. Survivors are generally the quick learners who have no scruples

Mr. 16 gauge
08-27-2010, 11:18 PM
What type of event are you planning to survive? And for how long?

If a man-made or natural disaster wiped out all electric power in the USA, More than 90%of the population would die with the next several weeks. No gasoline, no refrigeration, no food or medicine distribution, no communication, no hospitals, cholera outbreaks from all the unburied corpses, polutted water, etc.

Interesting that this thread should resurface on the 5th anniversary of hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans.

Survival can be a long term or short term thing....I've heard it said that we are 9 meals away from anarchy, meaning most people only have 3 days supply of food in their homes.
If Katrina taught us anything, its that one must depend on one's self, and not an outside agency or the kindness of strangers, if one is to survive a disaster. There were a few folks who didnt want saving, IIRC....they had food & water and were doing O.K.
Don't forget the foolishness of folks like Ray Nagel, who wanted to confiscate everyone's firearms after the disaster. MOLON LABE!!!!...esp. in this scenario!:mad:
We (my family) are reasonably prepared....we have canned, dried, and home canned goods, a supply of water for drinking and washing, medicines, a radio, a fair amount of camping gear, candle lamps, a wood fireplace and a fair amount of wood, and each other. Not to mention several firearms and a very large amount of ammo. When I tell people this, the kiddingly say "Hell, we'll come over to your house". My reply is always the same....."Don't! You'll only get a bullet for your trouble." The act surpised and horrified, but I mean every word. I did what I did for my loved ones in the event of a disaster....not to keep the whole neighborhood functioning!:mad: If someone else doesn't have the fore sight to do that for himself and his family, that's his loss!

If it ever got that bad, very few of us would survive, no matter what firearms we owned.

I disagree......If you have the necessary supplies, you'll survive. Firearms will prevent unscrupulous people from taking what you have and leaving you to rot!

No gasoline, no refrigeration, no food or medicine distribution, no communication, no hospitals, cholera outbreaks from all the unburied corpses, polutted water, etc.

If I have isolated myself from all those incidents, I have little to worry about now, don't I? As far as medications go, I have a good supply, but even if I run out, there are several cases where you can survive w/o it. Hypertension meds are a good example.....there are a lot of folks who quit taking their meds (for various reasons) and still manage to hang on. Same with oral diabetic meds, heart meds, ect.

What I would worry about more than other things is the remnants of "society" coming out of the cities ..especially in the east and west coast areas. They will be organized and will come for what you have and have no doubt...they will be organized.

Respectfully, I disagree.....they will not be organized & it will be "mob rule", and they will prey on their own in their own neighborhoods; I feel they will stay in areas that they are 'comfortable' with. This is what happened during the riots in the 60's in Detroit and Watts, and in New Orleans when Katrina hit. I lived through the Detroit riots....everyone was afraid of mobs coming to the suburbs, but it never happened; the rioters prefered to prey on each other. (which is a good reason to have a 'black rifle' or two as well as a slug gun & some buckshot handy).

Lets hope and pray it never gets to that point.......

08-27-2010, 11:37 PM
[QUOTE=Mr. 16 gauge;337611

Respectfully, I disagree.....they will not be organized & it will be "mob rule", and they will prey on their own in their own neighborhoods; I feel they will stay in areas that they are 'comfortable' with. This is what happened during the riots in the 60's in Detroit and Watts, and in New Orleans when Katrina hit. I lived through the Detroit riots....everyone was afraid of mobs coming to the suburbs, but it never happened; the rioters prefered to prey on each other. (which is a good reason to have a 'black rifle' or two as well as a slug gun & some buckshot handy).

Lets hope and pray it never gets to that point.......[/QUOTE]

I agree..Let's hope it never comes to pass. But I also lived through the riots in the late 60's. Hell those people shot at us and threw bricks. Robbed us of everything they could get..which wasn't too much in our case. I was armed.. But you have to understand..that was mob rule..their electric food water etc weren't cut off. At least not really or for long. I know the water wasn't. We used that in the fire trucks. If it comes to a REAL loss of their civilization..they will have mob rule for a while..then it will be tribal or families that will pillage rob and yes rape. The STRONG WILL be in charge..and the strong will know how to rule the mob. I personally do not see that happening to our society in the US..at least not to that degree. But if it does..You may need some neighbors. But the ones who think you are somewhat..crude..will either become so..or become one of the mob..or die at the mob's hands. And the worse scenario is the government coming and taking what you have..to help the ones beneath you as one of the more popular politicians said..to a guy known as Joe the Plumber. That would really be a nasty thing to have happen. And more than half the police sherriffs military etc would support the gummit. Scary ain't it?? Check the polls that have been done on those questions

08-28-2010, 03:17 PM
I agree with haveing 2 and 1 of them being a good .22 rimfire, but the other should be a .500 S&W. Those other little calibers your talking about would only piss off a griz.

08-28-2010, 04:07 PM
I would say a 22 rimfire revolver hands down. #1 you can carry alot of ammo without alot of space, and #2 if you need something heavier you can get it with a 22 rimfire revolver. . . . .


Dan Morris
08-28-2010, 07:28 PM
I've got all the above...22 for small game and a M 27 for larger game .... including 2 legged game....hope it never come to this! Survival..this does not include rifle n scatter guns... However, the streets are getting wilder....as I recall, this was predicted....course...we were paranoid to think this...still, I'll take care of me n mine! Food and prortection.....will remain civil as long as alowed
to...then, back to the roots!

Not speaking as a mod, jut a ole man that has limits to his fuse length!!!!@

08-29-2010, 03:52 PM
I agree on a good .22 rf revolver for a primary. However, I recently came into a new FNH- FNP40 for myself. Very nice handgun and an amazing caliber. However, not many people make holsters for it . The FN holster, double magazine holder, and training barrel (I really don't need it) come to $82.00 PLUS shipping. I do like the poly holster and mag holder, but not the price. Anyone know of other choices? I have an old Fobus for my 1911 that I think is the cat's meow, but they don't make one for the FNP40 at this time.

08-29-2010, 04:22 PM
Whether the circumstances be post-apocalyptic or just being stuck somewhere out the boonies all by my lonesome and I could only have one gun, it would have to be my Savage m24 .22LR/20 ga. combination gun. With that one gun I could take any game we have here in Virginia and, with the shotgun barrel loaded with either 3" buckshot or slugs, I think I would be well equipped for self defense.

I guess if it absolutely had to be a handgun, I'd probably opt for my Ruger Security-Six in .357 magnum. I am not saying necessarily that the .357 mag. (or a .38 special for that matter) would be the best choice of a cartridge for this purpose only that I am fairly confident in my ability to hit what I aim at with this particular gun.

09-02-2010, 07:20 PM
Adam, did the Militia meet today? If so do you have anything to report?

09-16-2010, 07:13 PM
Years ago, Mel Tappen broke it down to 'working guns', and 'defense guns'. I think those distinctions still are valid.
To me, a survival gun would be several, and include a .22 revolver or semi auto, and a heavier caliber revolver for hunting.

I would want a .45 1911 for defense.

Adam Helmer
09-18-2010, 07:51 AM

The Tioga Militia meets every Thursday morning at the local gun shop. Someone always brings in an exotic gun for "show and tell." Last week there was an original Hall Rifle in pretty nice shape. Other days we see handguns from the early cartridge era, etc.
