View Full Version : MY New 45 Taurus Check this one out!

05-13-2010, 08:52 PM
Hi Guys !
Just picked this beauty up yesterday and gave it a try at the range today.
It is a very well made pistol, Shoots as accurate as my Sig, Springfield or Kimber. No FTF or FTE with Hollow point ammo and works great with 230gr
FMJ Blazer ammo. Taurus finally got one right!;)http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx303/Brendaandroy/Gun%20Pics/100_3041-1.jpg

05-13-2010, 09:18 PM
Looks really nice!

05-14-2010, 09:45 AM
The quality of TaurusUSA has come up quite a bit in the last few years. Looks like a good one. How did it group up?


05-14-2010, 12:12 PM
Hasn't ever been anthing wrong with Taurus. Had a M92, 9MM always worked.

05-14-2010, 01:10 PM
Good ol Boy,
It was putting in 2 inch groups or less at 15 yards offhand, thats pretty
good for me. Kicks the crap out of the steel sillouhete targets at 30 yards or less. It is just plain fun to shoot! ;) 6.5

05-14-2010, 01:12 PM
Here is a closer pichttp://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx303/Brendaandroy/Gun%20Pics/100_3038.jpg

Adam Helmer
05-14-2010, 01:53 PM

VERY nice looking handgun!


05-17-2010, 12:33 PM
I keep looking at the mil spec 1911's. A little heavy. Don't hold 10 rounds. Over the hill but dang as they nice. Takes me back to the 1960's when it was a reliable companion for a lot of years.

05-17-2010, 07:53 PM
I like taurus i have the pt92 in 9mm and have put lots of rounds threw it and i no lots of guys that have a taurus and i have read were they have one of best warrentys on the market.
I must say i dont care for the key lock on the back of the hamer i have never used it and never will.
I have been looking at there 1911 and the lighting rifles.

05-17-2010, 08:55 PM
Ah yes..my favorite handgun. I'd carry one if it only held 6. Heck..I have one that carries 6..pretty little gun. Ain't the most accurate but works just fine at gun fight range. If I'm too far or run outta bullits I'm gonna run anyway. I finally found my Wilson Combat.. I put it where a goober couldn't find it while I was gone. When the goober got home he couldn't remember where he put it. I have a Charles Daly 1911 clone that shoots ok for a bedroom gun A series 70 in another place and a National match(1958 mail order gun) around somewhere's and a Smith 669 in Momma's car. A just in case thing...Have a 639 around but when it comes to serious..I have a 45 auto..In the late unlamented disagreement in S E Asia..I almost always had 2 on me. and free ammo. Even after I came back..Untrusting you might say

Adam Helmer
05-18-2010, 04:43 PM

A .45 ACP does not need 6 if the first two are CENTER MASS and the third is in the head.

Watch the sights and the rest is history. Keep shooting until the mope falls away from the front sight!


05-18-2010, 04:46 PM
Skeet its a good thing you don't live in Massachuetts, you would be breaking the law with all those handguns hanging around without TRIGGER LOCKS on them. According to the law you would be automatically locked up for a year and loose your right to carry immediately.

Then again you don't you lucky geezer.

05-22-2010, 11:08 PM
I have got about 500 rounds through the PT-1911 now and it is just getting
better, must be almost through the break in period. Groups are getting tighter and no FTF or FTE. It eats my reloads without any glitches just
hope it stays that way!:) 6.5

Dan Morris
05-23-2010, 08:57 AM
While I don't have one, I have shot a buddys...from another net....I found it quite nice!No problems and was accurate.

06-05-2010, 05:17 PM
Changed theWood Grips over to Hogue Fingergroove type. This
makes the pistol shoot even better! They just feel right with
more control and accuracy! Here's a pichttp://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx303/Brendaandroy/Gun%20Pics/TaurusPT1911-1.jpg.

06-06-2010, 06:28 PM
It's just another Taurus, so what! Well as the owner of Colts, Springfields and Paras I bought a PT1911 when they first came out. Best bang for the buck in any 1911s I've seen. It's my go to 45 for most things, took me a little time to get use to the Heinie Straight Eight Sights. When I did I found out they are great, don't count the rounds I've put through it but a pile and no problems. Sure hope you enjoy yours as much as I like mine.

06-06-2010, 06:37 PM
Only Taurus semi auuto I ever had was a PT 92. Sucker did NOT shoot groups.. It shot patterns. Heck I have a 410 that will group better'n that thing. I may have to try one of these things. I really have a thiing about 45s..own quite a few..Even the ol Charles Daly 1911 shoots darn good.

09-02-2010, 07:31 PM
6.5s4ever, just paging throug the handgun section and read this one. I have a early PT1911 so it's got a lot of rounds through it and I like it. Dug it out of the safe along with my favorite 1911 an old Cold LW Commander from the 60s, loaded up some magazines and waiting for the morning. Haven't shot the Taurus in over a year, way to long and the weather is going to be great, high in the 60s. Time to put some rounds through both. Mine has the Straight 8 sight by Hienie, took me about a box of shells to get use to it. Now I really like it. Been shooting 1911s since back in the 50s when issued one in the Army, have owned all sorts of them since then. I bought the Taurus to try out, didn't think it would stact up to my other Colts and a Springfield, well I was pleasantly surprized, it's a keeper.

12-05-2010, 11:29 AM
Sorry so long to comment I have been busy in my job and have not been on the
laptop much. I inspect and secure Foreclosed homes and travel a 8 county area.
The PT-1911 Taurus I bought is amazing in the accuracy dept. I use a Lasermax laser on it and it groups very well. Yes its a keeper in my book and
is also my nightstand gun.:)
Regards 6.5

12-06-2010, 08:59 PM
Bought a PT 1911 when they first came, only thing I changed was the lousy grips that came on it. Tolok me about a 100 rds to get used to the Heinie Straight 8 sights, but when I did I really liked them. Very accurate and I'll keep it.